नेचरोपैथी से - पेशाब सम्बन्धी गंभीर से गंभीर रोगों से मात्र - 10 दिनों में सर्शत छुटकारा-सम्भव--सम्भव--सम्भव। मेडिकल सांईस में भी एक बड़ी रिसर्च और बड़ी चमत्कारिक कामयाबी। अंग्रेजी गोलियों से छुटकारा।

                                                                                                               Date - 4 October 2021

डा.राम बजाज 

नेचरोपैथी से - पेशाब सम्बन्धी गंभीर से गंभीर रोगों से मात्र - 10 दिनों में सर्शत छुटकारा-सम्भव--सम्भव--सम्भव। मेडिकल सांईस में भी एक बड़ी रिसर्च और बड़ी चमत्कारिक कामयाबी। अंग्रेजी गोलियों से छुटकारा।

- डा.राम बजाज


इलेक्ट्रो होमियोपैथी (Electro Homeopathy) की खोज के बाद और मरे हुए पेड़ को जिन्दा करने की सफल रिसर्च के दौरान - हमारी टीम ने पाया कि कुछ पौधों में आश्चर्यचकित करने वाले विशेष गुण होते है - जो इंसान के शरीर में पाए जाने वाला मूत्र तंत्र में 10 दिनों में ही आश्चर्यचकित परिणाम देते-ही-देते है। यह हमारा दावा ही नहीं अपितु - अंतिम परिणाम के नतीजे हैजिसमें बार-बार पेशाब सम्बन्धी रोग को सिर्फ 10 दिनों में जड़ से ही समाप्त करने की गारंटी है।


ढ़लती उम्र के साथ बार-बार पेशाब आनारूक रूक कर पेशाब आनापेशाब का अपने आप निकल जाना आदि। कुछ ऐसी गंभीर बीमारियां है-जो किसी भी एलोपैथिक डाक्टरों से परमानेन्ट समाप्त नहीं की जा सकती। सुबह-शाम-अंग्रेजी गोलियां लेने की आदत तो - जरूर डाल ही देते है।


परन्तु हमारी हर्बल और मीनिट की चार बार हल्की Exercises से बार बाररूक रूक कर और पीड़ा के साथ पेशाब की गंभीर बीमारियों को आसानी से सशर्तों के साथ ठीक करने की गारंटी है।


शर्तें - सिर्फ - 10 दिनों के लिए


(1)   हर्बल - दिन में - तीन बार। - 10 दिन

(2)   बिल्कुल ही हल्की - हमारे द्वारा बतलाई गई Exercise - जो कि 10 दिन में चार मिनट - चार बार। - 10 दिन

(3)   10 दिनों में ही रोग ठीक होने पर ही - कम से कम 25 हजार रूपये दान में। जिससे किसी गरीब इंसान के चेहरे पर खुशियां और उसका भविष्य बनाने में मदद मिल सके।

(4)   सोने से तीन घण्टे पहले कोई तरल-पेय पदार्थ नहीं।

विशेष नोट: हॉंयह गारंटी इलाज आपको विशेषरूप से भेजा है। कृपया शर्म ना करें। जानकारी है-कि आपके घर में इस बीमारी से पीड़ित है।


(11)  ईमली पानी की आधे कप गर्म चाय दिन में दो बार/एक लौंग चार खजूर/खारक-रोज रात को सोने से पहले।

(22)  कब्जी का विशेष ध्यान।

(33)  पेशाब की बीमारी - 10 दिनों में ठीक हो जाने के बाद - चार अन्य बीमारी का असर - कमजोर पड़ जायेगा।

(44)  खाना - अपने हिसाब से रोज की तरहपरन्तु फ्रुट और सलाद ज्यादा होना उचित रहेगा। कब्जी नहीं होगी।

(55)  सम्भव हो - तो 10 दिन तक बड़े नाड़े का पहनावा। नाड़ा - एक दम - सूँडी से बहुत ही नीचे - कसकर बाँधे।


Natural Health Research by Dr.Ram Bajaj


Why do you Urinate Frequently you are peeing too many Kidneys, Diabetes, Infection.


Find out why you are urinating “too” frequently or why you have that urge to urinate.


It could be a symptom of kidney problems, urinary tract infections, diabetes, or Bladder problems, so do not let go unnoticed.


(1)            Most men & women as they age find they have to urinate a lot more than they are used to. This is because of bladder weakens.


(2)            In most cases, this is because of enlarged prostate.


(3)            As the prostate grows it presses on the wall of the bladder and against “Urethra”.


(4)            Your bladder does not compress itself. Simply because not enough pressure was created to push urine through “URETHA”.




(a)             Frequent Urination

(b)            Incomplete Bladder

(c)             Weak urine flow

(d)            And much more other, which can ruin your quality of life


Our plant herbal & 4 minutes – 4 times exercises strengthen the muscles around your bladder & urethra within 10 days.




The above remedies improve Bladder control and Reduce urine urgency.


But all you need to do is tighten your “Pelvic Muscle” for 4 minutes and four times a day for 10 days & sunbathe for vitamin D.


You will not need to take any medications or any surgery – for enlarged prostate. Because our above herbal & exercise have been able to shrink their enlarged prostate naturally with no side effects.


Our medical science research along with naturopathy will 100% improves the:


(a)             Frequent Urination

(b)            Straggling to urinate

(c)             Incomplete bladder emptying


Exercises on Bladder & Pelvic Muscles as per patient to patient requirement


(a)             Nitric Oxide Dumps exercises.


(b)            “Pelvic Muscle” exercises.

(i)     Pressure & Massages on Pelvic.


(c)             Namaz (नमाज) position with an expansion of legs upward.


(d)            Expansion of legs on wall & Kapalbhati exercises (कपालभाती योग).


(e)             Tightening the pelvic muscle for 4 seconds & realized 100 times. Do it four times a day.


(f)              Stop – Drinking any liquid/water – before 3hrs to go to bed.


(g)             Cycle exercise before you go to bed for 4 minutes.


(h)            Sunbath for half an hour.


(i)               Bath properly and rub your sides of secret parts properly.


(j)               Weight on the bladder – before sleep – pillow or any other weights of 2 to 4kg.


(k)            Long – a long stretch of legs and walk 10 times - 5 times or 2 times as per your health conditions.


(l)               Staircase climbing, with at least two steps – climb at a time, before sleep or evening time after 2 hours of meals. Four times a day.


(m)         On a chair or sofa expend your legs with wide width & contracts withholding of both legs together/pelvic muscles holding for 5 seconds each time. Cycling on a chair or sofa.


(n)            Exercises targeting the pelvic floor muscles as well as your bladder – in front of your body – below your सूंडी together they will improve your bladder control & help you deal with frequent urination. Up & down your bladder by hand, left & right direction movement of bladder big hand.


(o)            Sleep in a reverse position with a hard pillow below your (Belly Button) Nabhi (सूंडी& do Kapalbhati (कपालभाती) for 10 times. Repeat 4 times with a change of location or point below your hard pillow.


Our team of experts is mostly naturopaths and believes in drugless therapy. Generally, it is not so easy to stop frequent urination after you are 75 to 85. Drip – Drip – Drip of urination is also another serious problem.


But we claim to be 100% successful in our research. Naturopathy, nature & herbal to cure – frequent urination without medication. This therapy is for all ailments. It has the capacity and power for both prevention & cure. Let us try for only 10 days. 10 days are enough to cure you perfectly – have faith in nature & naturopathy – an alternate – medical science.

General Detailed Studies on the process


Urine usually contains water, urea, uric acid, toxins, and waste filtered from within our body. The kidney helps with this process. Urine stays in the urinary bladder until it reaches a point of fullness and an urge to urinate at which point, the urine is expelled from the body. Most people urinate between 6-7 times over 24 hrs period with urinary frequency, there is a need to use the bathroom more often than it is usually needed.


Urinary frequency is not the same as urinary inconsistency, which refers to little control over the bladder urinary frequency can disrupt one’s normal routine, interrupt the sleep cycle, and can affect general well-doing.


The urinary frequency maybe because of diseases affecting the urinary tract.


The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, the “URETERS” (The tube connecting the kidneys to the bladder) & the “URTHRA” (the duck) through which urine flows from the bladder out of the body.


The specific diseases or conditions causing frequent urination include:


(a)             Pregnancy

(b)            Urinary tract infection (UTI)

(c)             Urinary in continence

(d)            Type 1 & type 2 diabetes

(e)             Vaginits

(f)              Overactive bladder


The other major causes of frequent urination are:


(i)               Kidney infection

(ii)            Interstitial cystitis

(iii)         Bladder stone

(iv)          Anxiety disorder

(v)            Change in kidney function

(vi)          Benign prostatic hyperplasia


Effects of Herbal & Exercises of Pelvic Muscle & Anal passage


(a)             Notice as the pelvic muscle tightens, the anal passage closes.

(b)            The same action happens to the “URETHRA” by exercising the pelvic muscle regularly.

(c)             Thus you will train your muscle to work automatically when they are needed.

(d)            Thus this trained the hidden group of muscle, bladder & bowel control.


The result is that frequent urination is stopped naturally with naturopathy & herbal. 100% guarantee with the above conditions.

Special Remedy Relief Based on Nobel Prize winner 2021. 

The hot & cold water bottle shake at the Pelvic Muscles & on the front portion of Bladder will decrease the frequency of urination – two times for 10 days – 4 minutes/day.

Hot & cold plastic tub bath. Immerse – the pelvic muscles, bladder & private parts of the body in a hot & than cold tub – placed on the chair & sit inside for 4 minutes each in hot & cold tub for 10 days.

Rapid increase of heat, cold & mechanical stimuli will certainly respond to our internal organs as per Noble Prize winners 2021 Date 04 October 2021.


Dr. Ram Bajaj

Naturopath, Herbal &

Agricultural experts





  1. Unbelievable & great recarch

  2. Itna sasta aur saral tarika btaya h with garantee...great work sir...👌👌👌👌


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