"प्रकृति ने ताज महल को कुछ ऐसी अदृस्य खुबिया - न्योच्छावर की है कि ताज को कभी भी बदरंग नही होने देगी। परन्तु मुख्य गुमंद पानी के रिसाव के कारण सुरक्षित नहीं रहेगी A.S.I को चेतावनी।" डॉ. राम बजाज

 2 August 2021

The Civil Engineering Discovery on Taj-Mahal - World will surprise - Dr. Ram Bajaj

Photo Captured by our expert team.

The unbelievable Scientific research - which nobody could have - imagined.

(1) "प्रकृति ने ताज महल को कुछ ऐसी अदृस्य खुबिया - नन्योच्छावर की है कि ताज को कभी भी बदरंग नही होने देगी।" डॉ. राम बजाज

(2) "युमना नदी - ताज महल के निखार के लिए एक बड़ा वरदान हैं।"  डॉ. राम बजाज


Photo Captured by our expert team.

(3) "एक अनोखी अदभूद लेकिन आश्चर्यजनक खोज - जिसे कोई भी इंजीनियर समझ नही पाए।" डॉ. राम बजाज


(4) यह हमारी अद्भुत खोज - उन कोविड -19 Warriors व उन इंसानो को भेंट होगी जिनका जन्म दिवस - 2 अगस्त हैं।

(5) The media reports, scientists Environmententalist, Historians, and experts all are most worried about our Taj-Turning green and yellow; because of the environmental condition and air quality, and poor maintenance of our Taj Mahal.

Photo Captured by our expert team.

(6) More serious nature of problems, we are facing the acid rain So₂, gases and other aerosol particles, who are turning our Taj into dis antidegradation.

(7) The authority of Taj  is doing their effort to remove - the color dis antidegradation by applying मुल्तानी मिट्टी पेस्ट on Taj Mahal

(8) But Our expert Team of engineers with other various experts on the environment with different weather conditions have discovered and reveals The fundamental natural scientific various factors- which are effectively working on Taj Mahal  round the clock to clean, our Taj Mahal more naturally bright and better shinning then its original construction Taj Mahal - 1633-1652

(9) "Our Taj Mahal is not turning into green and yellowish  but became brighter, whiter than ever before " Dr. Ram bajaj


(10) On this, unbelievable, Amazing discovery, our team has worked since 1993 - 2021 and has concluded such a scientific historical finding where nobody could have thought of it.

(11) To conclude our this finding, we have worked on different conditions of nature like different climate weather and air quality condition with reference to the intensity of rain; Thunder Storm, hells (ओले)  cyclonic winds, thunderstorm humidity, temperature, leakage of rainwater effect on lime mortar on a marble slab and various other Engineering factors.

Photo Captured by our expert team.

(12) जुलाई 2021 महीने की कुछ तस्वीरें - आपके साथ साझा कर रहे है- कृपया गौर ओर गहराई से परखे, जिन्हें हमने, अपने आंकलन में भी शामिल किया है। इससे पहले - पिछले साल हमने आपके अध्ययन के लिए सर्दियों , घने कोहरे और lockdown की कुछ तस्वीरें आपको भेज चुके हैं।

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Taj Mahal's Pinnacle : The Most Vulnerable Junction.

Serious threat to stability of central & smaller domes

For historical masonry of Taj Mahal structure having 370 years old central dome and other domes, a small movement of supports will cause cracking-which may likely be reasons of small settlements of foundation and smaller movements of any Earthquake. Greater are the movements greater will be the chance of failure & may even lead to its collapse. As support move apart (which is very rare chance, because of its thickness of cylindrical walls), the structure adopts, causing the crown of dome to descend, because of cracks & holes in the crown of dome due to hydraulic jumps and this causes the meridional cracks to form, which increases the value of horizontal thrust on the supports.
The most vulnerable point of the Central Dome-Taj is pinnacle & lotus as far as stability of Central Dome is concerned.
If you have seen Taj Mahal, have you ever paid attention to the pinnacle (finial) on top of this magnificent monuments dome. It is more than 30ft high. In fact, if you walk on the platform of Taj Mahal, you will see the exact shape of drawing of this finial pinnacle made on the floor just on the right side of Taj Mahal-towards Jamatkhana. It is because of this brass finial weighing nearly 4/5th of tonne i.e. 800kg of weight of this finial that the height of Taj Mahal is slightly more than the Qutub Minar.

Awakening Call to ASI for the Taj Mahal's Pinnacle.

Did Taj Mahal minaret's pinnacle fall off? ASI official say "No" March 29, 2016-But we say "Yes".
-Dr. Ram Bajaj

The pinnacle of south-western minaret was laying on a platform created around the structure for cleaning. But had "fallen off" during work and was "in pieces" (Two Pieces). It is said that the pinnacle of south- western minaret was facing some metal corrosion issue on the iron rod that held up its upper part. Then subsequently the upper dome and crest of the four part pinnacle was removed to install a new rod. A 3.5 foot crest of the pinnacle will be replaced and mortar has to be laid in it.
Main reason of this pinnacle fall off was the cracks-cracks-cracks on the top of the crown and seepage-seepage-seepage of rain water inside the dome and the structure. There are major cracks on the dome-which has been repaired by while mortar-paste-stitched in the cracks portions of the joints-as well as the marble blocks. There are holes near the top of the crest of the dome. There are cracks-cracks-cracks everywhere on the surfaces of these smaller four domes of the main Taj Mahal central dome. Due to heavy rains if these cracks widen and become more than 1.25 cms. wide-there it is a serious threat to the stability of this dome. ASI should take a serious note of its failure of the pinnacle. It is a straight warning for future. Rains & strong wind velocity are the threat to these pinnacles and the safety of crown.

Serious threat to the stability of central dome and the 30ft long pinnacle, weighing 800 kg.
 -Dr. Ram Bajaj

We are sure that there are cracks, near the 30ft long pinnacle, because of the reasons of the thrust & tensile, stresses creates at the point of iron rod embedded in the crest of the crown-due to high wind velocity. The higher moments and vibration of 800 kg weight due to wind will crack the crest and rain water will certainly percolate on the crown of the central dome. The rain water flows on the surface of the pinnacle with certain velocity and the force created by the flow of water on the crest removes the mortar on the joints and make their pathways to enter the central dome. Stability of the crown & crest depends upon the quantity and duration of the rains.
However, since the quantity of water so collected through pinnacle and on the surface of crown has a tendency to flow, the layer of water in the channels between two leafs of the lotus thus creating the hydraulic jumps. These various jumps create the holes in the lotus, crown & cornice of the dome and seepage of the rain water in these cracks and joints, which leads to uncertainty of the stability of the central dome.
So these are major threats to the stability due to rain; wind and the weight of rain water seeped inside the dome, at the various venerable points of leakages at the crowns. Holes and cracks in marble pieces pose serious threat. Various, various cracks are shown in the picture, where one can analyzed the threat of stability of central dome, crown, pinnacle and cornice.

Collapse of Entire Dome

The joints and plaster on the inner side of the dome are decaying because of seepage of rain water, the marble tiles on top are displacing apart and few marble tiles may fall apart. The pinnacle on top of main dome has loosened and may fall down anytime during strong wind & storm during the rainy season.

If this happens then the key stone of dome which has been bonded with the pinnacle will also fall leading to collapse of the entire dome.
-Dr. Ram Bajaj

Photo Captured by our expert team.

Note: For detailed research work you have to wait.

2 अगस्त 2021

डॉ. राम बजाज

And his  Team of Engineers and experts.


  1. ये तो सच मे अनोखी और दुर्लभ खोज हैं ..पूरी जानकारी का इंतज़ार रहेगा..great work

  2. Its always very thrilling to read your research articles. waiting more details

  3. Sir we are waiting for the whole research freat research


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