If the dimension of the central dome of Taj Mahal is taken & calculated wrong – then everything, in the proof of the Central Dome being Asmeymtrical is wrong. The central dome of Taj Mahal is 100% symmetrical.

 Date: 08 September 2020

Part – 2

If the dimension of the central dome of Taj Mahal is taken & calculated wrong – then everything, in the proof of the Central Dome being Asmeymtrical is wrong. The central dome of Taj Mahal is 100% symmetrical.

- Dr.Ram Bajaj (Structural Engineer)

Taj Mahal Central Dome is “NOT” Asymmetrical

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7710.png

ताजमहल के मुख्य गुमंद (Central Dome) की गोलाई की बनावट में बहुत बड़ा फर्क-मुगल सम्राट शांहजहां से इतनी बड़ी चूक हो ही नहीं सकती।

-डॉ.राम बजाज (Structural Engineer)


Dr.Ram Bajaj (Structural Engineer)

General article published in “current science ac.in” by the authors – Dilip R Ahuja and M.B.Rajani. They are in the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India.


www.wonders of world.net

Taj Mahal Wikipedia: As per Google – picture attached. The outer dome, it rests on a diameter of 17 meters and 68 cm and measures 35 meters high. It rests on a drum of 7 meter high (This means the height of simple onion type dome is 35-7=28 Meter). A drum is architectural clement which is in practice, a very large and very low cylinder arranged vertically and which serves as a support between the building and the drum – a 7 meter high drum is already very big. It is too big the building as a whole would look very long. A drum is look like “neck” of the building. The interior dome is 24M and 70 cm tall. Authors are out of range from these dimensions.

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7619.png

                                                                                                          Reference & Courtesy: aboutcivil.org

Similar is the case with the diameter of cylindrical drum – which is shown as 16 meter radiuses equal to 32 meter diameter of drum.

cid:909895548411029614183819      cid:492605548412688975510929

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7760.jpg

                                                                                               Reference & Courtesy: currentscience.ac.in

Who is Correct? Author or Google

As per author & red line marked

At the height 24.41 meter the diameter of the domes are 12.97 meters. Whereas as per Google photo seen is enclosed here indicates that at the height of 24.4 meter of dome, arch the diameter of dome is 17.70 meter.

So which dimention of the dome is correct, reader should judge the facts. The dimention taken by author is wrong.

  1. In actual the height of complete dome is 35 meters with having neck of cylinder 7 meters in height. 

So when the height of dome and diameter of dome are differed with the actual measurement of the dome of Taj & the radius of outer dome, the whole findings of the asymmetry of central dome is determined wrong and not acceptable to any structural engineer.

The plotting of measurements with reference to 30 meter height and 32 meter diameter of cylinder drum is unrealistic and does not match with the measurements data available with the department of ASI & the department of civil engineering, Roorkee, who has furnished some actual different data’s of measurements for the working of their different findings at different level.

Note: Civil Engineering departments of Roorkee and other institution should conclude the symmetry of the central dome by high resolution-digital theodolite which will give the accurate result of symmetry of central dome. We have already verified the symmetry of central dome as a perfect symmetry for which the following photograph of engineering drawing has the proof of symmetry.

Photograph with Triangle drawings at different points speaks clearly that the central dome in question is mostly perfect and symmetrical with reference to any angle of structural engineering. 

On Two Different equilateral Triangle on Taj - case – 1 for the proof of Symmetry of Taj Dome

Who is right? Judge yourself. Taj Mahal central dome is 100% symmetrical.



The Taj is in an equilateral triangle in which three sides are equal and three internal angles are also congruent to each other and are each 60O.

Equilateral Triangle proofs that from any point on the central line of Taj – the straight line measured distance – measured (by engineering drawing compass) within onion shaped dome must be equal and is equal at any point, please measure with engineer divider.

Hence, the central dome is most-most symmetrical from any side.

On different equilateral Triangle as shown in figure-case – 2 for the Symmetry of Dome

Who is right? Judge for yourself. Taj Mahal central dome is 100% symmetrical.

                                                                                                Reference & Courtesy: BMKTCN-DHXD

Case – 3 for the proof of Symmetry of Central Dome of Taj

Who is right? Judge for yourself. Taj Mahal central dome is 100% symmetrical. Actual picture of Taj Mahal. Lke authors – Asymmetry on picture.

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7610.png

Square lines are drawn by the civil engineering drawing-instruments & 4HH pencil on the actual picture of central dome of Taj Mahal. The distance between central line and curved portions of central dome – comes same at any bisects at the dome. Two bisects and the distance of arch between two vertical lines of square are same.

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7611.png

From the central line of central dome – horizontal distance measured from any centre point – dome touches the arch of central dome.

Both side distances are equal as measured by the highly accurate engineering drawing compass and divider. This proves that the Taj Mahal's central dome is symmetrical from any side of dome.

One can plot – these various distances on graphs and complete the dome – you will find that the dome of both sides are equal.

Equilateral Triangle of Taj of Different Diamention than case 4 – Triangle is bigger & taken from four minar centre.

Who is right? Judge for yourself. Taj Mahal central dome is 100% symmetrical.

In general the height of an equilateral triangle is equal 3/2 time a side of the equilateral AB or BC or AC. All heights come to the same. So the Dome is in Symmetry.

h = 3/2 AB side of Triangle

h = 3/2 BC

h = 3/2 AC

All must be equal and comes to be equal when measured on any size – print of this Taj – including triangle and the heights comes equal when we calculate, when measured a scan print of this Taj Mahal of various sizes, the height comes to same, in the various prints taken. Do it yourself and get the symmetry of Taj Mahal central onion dome. Measured the length of side AB, BC or AC by civil engineering drawing divider.

Area=3/4 a2    (Equilateral)

Height=3/4 a

Equilateral Triangle of Different size than–smaller size & smaller base as compared to case-5.

Who is right? Judge for yourself. Taj Mahal central dome is 100% symmetrical.

The area of equilateral triangle is equal to ½ height x length of any side

Area = 3/4 x (length of any side of Triangle)2

Area = 3/4 x (AB)2  


Area = 3/4 x (BC)2

Area = 3/4 x (AC)2

All must be equal and are physically equal, when measured by civil engineering divider. Here we have measured all the sides of Triangle – which are equal to 10.41cms, on the print of this photo. Do it yourself and get the proof of symmetry of Taj Mahal onion dome.

Important Conclusion on Symmetry of Taj

Note: All the five different cases studied for the symmetry of central dome of Taj Mahal and proofs that the central dome of Taj Mahal is most symmetrical in nature.

Case 6

Who is right? Judge for yourself. Taj Mahal central dome is 100% symmetrical.

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7613.png

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7617.png

                                                                         Reference & Courtesy: currentscience.ac.in

Actual height of the central dome – includes the portion of cylindrical drum – where the onion type’s central dome sits (बैठता है) 80ft=24.38 meter. Whereas author has shown his height of central dome – 30M-1.79=28.21 meter in his picture.

Diameter of central drum is 58ft=17.67 meter + thickness of both walls.

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7793.png                    C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-7792.png

A team member working on the Taj Mahal, standing behind the back portion of Taj Mahal having Yamuna River. (North Side)


Dr.Ram Bajaj – Structural Engineer on spot at Taj Mahal-analysis at various visits.

Dr.Ram Bajaj & his team of experts on spot at Taj Mahal-analysis at various visits.

Dr.Ram Bajaj

Ph.D,  M.Structural Engineer,

B.E. (Civil Engineering) From 

B.I.T.S, Pilani

M.A. (Economics)

M.A. (Public Admin.) 

M.Com (Fin. Man.) 


Diploma In Interior Decoration M.I.E.


Chartered Engineer 

Structural Engineer 

Approved Valuer

Note: Your advise will be highly appreciated.


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