Does A.S.I. Know any book or Web Site ; Where I can obtained ; Absolute Dimensions of Taj Mahal Building – including more importantly The Four Minarets and Mausoleum building and Central Dome.


    The Superintending Archeologist,  
    Archeologist A.S.I. Agra,

 Sub:-   Does A.S.I. Know any book or Web Site ; Where I can obtained; Absolute Dimensions of Taj Mahal Building – including more importantly  The Four Minarets and Mausoleum building and Central Dome.
            Dear Sir,

1. Many Sites mention a couple of dimension (That too is not Correct and varied differently) but not many.

2. And those that are given are not specific. (e.g. Total height of a minaret is given but it not said where their the Height given include the final ; not whether it is from ground up or from the surface of plinth up of the main platform. What are the height of each storey and its projection of Balcony?  The diameter of the minarets at bottom and each storey at Balcony level; at least. The Diameter of the Top of Minarets.

3. Obviously same pseudo-blueprint would be not all perfect and perfect with absolute dimensions with reference to the ground zero. That is actual position.

4. I personally verified that most of the dimensions mentioned in various sites are not correct with present condition at ground.

5. The A.S.I. must be knew all the details; since they have repaired all the Four minarets recently. Please measure all the dimensions since completely scaffolding has been erected.

6. I would appreciate any help anyone can give. Especially about the Four Minarets. This is for my research work which is in progress.

7. Amount of inclination of minarets in degree or in some other value.

8. Drawing shown in elevation is not correct. Who will make their correct; with reference to the actual measured dimension at ground.

9. Please give us the permission to measure few of the dimensions of the minarets to our expert team of engineers who are working – day and night for research on minarets.

 Dr. Ram Bajaj
 (Structure Engineer)
Email us on-

Note:- Copy to UNESCO

( Date - 17 September 2020 )
( Time - 12:55 p.m )


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