Concern over titling of Taj Mahal Minarets and various different report of tilting since 1941. Kindly Do available the authentic report of various tilts measured by ASI. We need for our research work on Taj Mahal.


The Superintending    Archeologist,
 Archeologist ; ASI Agra.

Date - 27 sept.2020

Sub: - Concern over titling of Taj Mahal Minarets and various different report of tilting since 1941. Kindly Do available the authentic report of various tilts measured by ASI. We need for our research work on Taj Mahal.
Dear Sir,
1.  The Fear that Taj Mahal’s four minarets are tilting dangerously and its base sinking on one side has been reported at various occasions at various years.

2. Remember that the four minarets were observed to be inclined at various angles by ASI; first time in their scientific survey in 1941;’ which examined the position and verticality of the minarets as well as foundation stability.

3. The First report observed scientifically that three minarets tilted 1.5’’ to 3. Inches (3.8 cm to 7.6 cm).

4. While the fourth South West (Not Towards Yamuna Side) Minarets Tilted 8.5 inch (21.6 cm ).

5. It was concluded that the tilts were either part of original design – to prevent all the minarets to fall, from existing in on main dome by result of any earthquake.

6.  Or the result of – sub-soil displacement and settlement , centuries ago.

7. A survey by ASI AND UNESCO in 1985 found that the tilt in each minaret had increased by .1 inch (.03 cm) as observed previously as writer in above item (3) and (4).

8. No Structural damage was detected other major survey in 1991 and 1995. However, the previous tilted magnitude of 8.5 inch – exists; and ASI is at odds with some historians ( Not with any Structural Engineer), who fears minarets is tilting dangerously.

9. As reported by ASI at of the river Yamuna (which is not correct in our opinion)- on the banks of Taj built – has led to its sinking on the northern sides which is now 1.44 inches (3.7cm); lower then Southern side.

10. The most recent survey on Taj was done by ASI and Survey of India in 2000-2001 and found no Structural changes

11. But ASI has reported to the Supreme Court of India – that the sinking or tilt of minarets reported earlier in 1941, 1985, 1991 and 1995 has no significant values because  the Latest survey observed very less tilts.

12. What is this? Previous technical observations - reported were wrong and does not have any significant value.

13. It is requested that kindly supply the previous authenticated report of various year from 1941 to 2020. About the serious measured tilts of four minarets.

14. Please, Supply detail drawing with correct measurement  of minarets and Taj mahal.

15. Please give us permission to our expert’s team of engineer to measure few of the dimensions of Taj Mahal and its Minarets. 

16. Our Experts team is already staying at Agra since 21 September 2020.

17. दूर से ताजमहल को देखें - तो चारों मीनारें झुकी हुई नजर आती है -  इसके क्या कारण है?  क्या आपके पास इतिहास के कुछ प्रमाण है - तो हमें उपलब्ध करवाएं मीनारे टेढ़ी नजर आती है -  इसका scintistic reason हमें बताने का श्रम करें.

Dr. Ram Bajaj
 (Structural engineer and his team of Engineer)

Copy to :- 
(2) Copy to ALL IIT Institute / IIT Roorkee/ BITS Pilani to Explain the Scientific and Technical observation regarding this serious matter.
(3) ASI Department.
(4) Centre and State Ministers and Authority.
(5) The institute of Civil Engineer.


 Date - 27 sept.2020                                                                                                     Time - 6:30 p.m 
Dr. Ram Bajaj 
 (Structure Engineer)
 Dinesh Joshi
 (Engineer) 9799074079 
Note:- Copy to UNESCO.  
mail id :-


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