ताजमहल के मुख्य गुमंद (Central Dome) की गोलाई की बनावट में बहुत बड़ा फर्क-मुगल सम्राट शांहजहां से इतनी बड़ी चूक हो ही नहीं सकती।

                                                                                                                                Date: 15 September 2020

Part – 3

ताजमहल के मुख्य गुमंद (Central Dome) की गोलाई की बनावट में बहुत बड़ा फर्क-मुगल सम्राट शांहजहां से इतनी बड़ी चूक हो ही नहीं सकती।

-डॉ.राम बजाज (Structural Engineer)

Taj Mahal Central Dome is “NOT” Asymmetrical

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If the dimension of the central dome of Taj Mahal is taken & calculated wrong – then everything, in the proof of the Central Dome being Asmeymtrical is wrong. The central dome of Taj Mahal is 100% symmetrical.


Dr.Ram Bajaj (Structural Engineer)

General article published in “current science ac.in” by the authors – Dilip R Ahuja and M.B.Rajani. They are in the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India.


Other Asymmetry – proved by the author

Northern Ends of Platform are not differently sinking

  1. It is also (Not) apparent that the northern and southern ends of platform on which Taj sits are differently sinking over time with northern end towards the river having sunk 35mm (In 350 years of existence of Taj) more than the southern end (Two side cannot sink differently). 

Explanation: These findings of 35mm of civil engineering department of Roorkee in the year 1989-1992 has clearly stated that it has a slope for the purpose of draining the rain water from the platform but not any settlement or sinking, because they have checked this sinking very minutely with reference to the fixed point of Taj. There is no further sinking-as far as their data’s is concern.

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Slope in the northern side of platform for the purpose of drain the rainwater.

The slight sinking would have not caused the rigid dome to become more asymmetrical over time fill this year (August 2020). As symmetry of this is wrong.

All the four smaller Chhatari are covered by Red stone – so question does not arises for any Asymmetry

  1. Base of one Chhatari is left (Figure 1) in red sandstone and not covered with marble. An asymmetrical example quoted by author.

Taj shows that the red stone are fixed on all the four minor dome at the plinth

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Explanation: Not one Chhatari or smaller dome is not left to cover with marble. But in fact all the four chhatari of smaller size has fixed red stone on the plinth of the chhatari. Probably, the authors were not having the bird view of Taj Mahal. The bird view will explain automatically. This asymmetry to the authors. However in engineering subject the plinth is always covered with red stone-which is not having much importance to the visitors.

Others asymmetry in the structure

The authors should know that in the first floor of the main building and gallery, the lime plaster has been on the dome instead of covering by marble slab by the designer of Taj Mahal. Will you count this non-marble fixing in the 1st floor & galleries are asymmetrical examples of Mughal Emperor. 

  1. The four minarets of Taj Mahal are out of plumb-are they supposed to be asymmetrical in your nature. They are purposely constructed out of plumb leaning outside from the central platform. Authors will count this fixture for non-symmetry in the structure.

The Four Minarets of Taj Mahal are out of Plumb & Technically built perfectly stable

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Technically when any structure constructed out of plumb, we have to reduce the dead loads of due to the minarets on top, so that it did not tilt big due to high-velocity wind. That is why there is three section or floors in the minarets & the highest length of height is the top portions. Please note.

However, one must also know the facts that these four minarets are built for the purpose of watch & ward of the area, where the watchmen have to stand on the top of the Chhatari of these minarets and need the balconies placed at three stages of its total height for the stability of minarets.

The designer of such hudge most famous structure had purposely made “out of plumb” because in case of any worst happening due to the earthquake or thunderstorm, these minarets did not fall on the Main Taj Mahal. Because of it’s “out of plumb” – outward towards the ground.

  1. Nobody knew this, that the south-west minaret is more plumb out than the back-minarets of northern bank. Please go through my book & papers published. President Donald Trump was standing near this south-west minaret of the Taj Mahal and was discussing the leaning of minarets with our guide. Why these minarets leans more than other 3 minarets.

President Trump (USA) Visiting Minarets

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    Reference & Courtesy: Times Now

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The finial pinnacle is not tilled from the central axis by 3O angle

The Taj is definitely renowned for its bilateral symmetry. There is “No” imperfection in its symmetry. As per the author, the FINIAL (Pinnacle) h=35ft over the central dome is tilted from the vertical axis by about 3O (angle as measured at the bottom of dome, smaller it measured at ground level). The tilt could not have occurred – when bronze replica was installed in 19th century. But still have the 100% vertical on its axis.

The central line shown in these photographs – concede with the centre line of the finial (pinnacle-35ft) as well with the central dome.

However, one should understand the technicality of the tilted finial. If by any chance it is tilted by 3O from the central axis, it would have blown out from its bottom by the high speed wind velocity of 150kmh. When there are serious damages on Taj has occurred recently in the year 2018 & June 2020.

Technically the wind forces of 150kmh, will certainly loose its rigidity from the joints. Vibrations force of unbalance finial (tilted by 3O) and the pressures – created at the different points at finial will create the unbalanced dynamic – displacement of finial and will blow it down to the earth. Please do not try – such type of unsymmetrical in the Main Taj Structure.


The central dome of Taj Mahal is mostly & perfectly symmetrical with reference to any “angle” of structural engineering concerns. From the above facts & finding which speaks clearly, that the central dome of Taj Mahal in question for asymmetry is not at all asymmetrical.


मुगल सम्राट बादशाह शांहजहां से इतनी बड़ी गलती हो ही नहीं सकती कि ताजमहल के मुख्य गुमंद की गोलाई की बनावट में बहुत बड़ा अन्तर रह जावे।

-डॉ.राम बजाज (Structural Engineer)

0.92 meter maximum difference in two part of central dome is impossible. Before proving none symmetry of central of Taj – one must have the knowledge of “How to construct a spherical dome of Brick Masonry 

In short, for construction of spherical dome, we have to put a fixed centre of dome – permanently without any disturbance to this centre, till the spherical dome or in our case the “onion type bulb” dome of Taj Mahal is fully completed.

Then from this centre of dome, during the construction of brick dome, we have to lay down each and every layer of bricks of spherical dome with respect to this permanent marked centre by the help of string-revolving around this centre. This string or some wooden from of circle is meant for the diameter of the dome at that layer of bricks.

So by doing this revolving the string around centre, the exact diameter of dome is constructed without any “error” in diameter of dome at any place in that layer of bricks.

Each & every layer of bricks laid down for the purpose of construction is thoroughly checked by the experts working on the construction of dome with I respect to the radius.

If any layer of radius of bricks laid down is out of plumb from the centre, the next layer of bricks on dome will immediately known to the experts constructing the dome and will immediately rectified any mistake, which is out of circle. Hence there cannot any chance that each & every brick laid on one half part of circle (dome) is smaller and other half part of circle (dome) is bigger like a tune of 0.92 meter as calculated by the above authors mentioned in this report, the graphs.

For the references various photographs are displayed here to understand by a layman – the actual procedure of construction of spherical dome.

So, inclusion the spherical dome cannot be constructed with having two half of dome having different nature of radius without any knowledge of the experts constructing the central dome of Taj Mahal.

Various photographs showing the various stages of laying the layer of bricks in circle with the help of centre marked and string or having the wooden frame to check the diameter at any place of that layer which is is in progress

Dome Part – 1 


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Dome Part – 2

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A team member working on the Taj Mahal, standing behind the back portion of Taj Mahal having Yamuna River. (North Side)


Dr.Ram Bajaj – Structural Engineer on spot at Taj Mahal-analysis at various visits.

Dr.Ram Bajaj & his team of experts on spot at Taj Mahal-analysis at various visits.

Dr.Ram Bajaj

Ph.D,  M.Structural Engineer,

B.E. (Civil Engineering) From 

B.I.T.S, Pilani

M.A. (Economics)

M.A. (Public Admin.) 

M.Com (Fin. Man.) 


Diploma In Interior Decoration M.I.E.


Chartered Engineer 

Structural Engineer 

Approved Valuer

Note: Your advise will be highly appreciated.


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