THE Sixth Earthquake in Delhi | NCS Should take Serious Measures

 Warning For the Next Earthquake to The NCS and Government

An Earthquake hit Delhi at 9.10 pm today. The magnitude is measured to be 4.5 on the richter scale, according to the U S Geological Survey. The tremors were also felt in Gurugram and Noida. The Earthquake hit 16 km ESE of Rohtak Haryana. There were no death or property damage. These were also felt in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.

Yet Again a Sixth warning to the NCS – that it is too late for your assessment of various earthquakes in Delhi. You have not predicated any earthquake in advance in Delhi and other reasons of epicentre. Awakening Call For the 7th Earthquake.

Nobody in N.C.S can explain the characteristics of these Six earthquakes.

There is a difference in the data provided by the NCS and US geological Survey. The US department states 4.5 but the NCS measured 4.6 . There may have been a slight marginal error between the two which must seriously analysed and looked after in the near future.

About Writer
Dr. Ram Bajaj
Engineer ( BITS PILANI )


  1. Your efforts are really mindblowing. Your hardwork should be considered by government and organizations in order to save people from future disasters. Your obervations and skills are really appreciable..

  2. The prediction for earthquakes should be monitored to give precise warning.The write up is as good and true as your previous comments on the subject.
    Dr.Abhay Kumar
    Vice Chancellor


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