This is Unheard of Corona Virus | Special Study by Dr. Ram Bajaj

                                    Lets Win War On Corona – Dr.Ram Bajaj


Treatment of Corona Virus is possible!!!!!

Our own Immune System is capable of producing “Antibodies” by
naturopathy treatment – which can fight Corona Virus very well.

By naturopathy – which increases the capacity of immune system can
& will clear up the affected lungs within 10 days “A researched study”.

More & quick response on Mild to Moderate patients can be noticed,
because we are focusing on cell & cellular health by choosing right foods,
and right applications of physics laws on corona virus (Surface Tension,
Bernoulli’s theorem, Viscosity and Vaporization of fluid in Lungs). - Dr.Ram Bajaj

Symptoms of Corona virus as reported
(1) Running nose (2) Sore throat (3) Cough (4) Fever (5) Difficulty in breathing (severe case)
Corona virus is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It is caused by virus called
Corona virus. Some people who visited the market developed 'viral pneumonia' caused by the new
Corona virus.

There is not yet any vaccine or antiviral drug to prevent or treat human corona virus infections but it
can be treated by naturopathy treatments by which we can disinfect the corona virus infections. These
findings are based on the scientific reasons of the treatment suggested by the groups of doctors and
scientists and naturo therapy experts in this field.

It is supposed to be a condition which causes an 'upper respiratory track disease'.
Before we suggest the treatments the following are the suggestions and study published in "Indian
Express" dated March 19, 2020 by Dr Malik Peiris (a public health virologist at the University of
Hong Kong who played a key role in identifying the SARS coronavirus in 2003).

"Would the higher temperatures in summers slow the spread of the virus?
What we can say as of now is that it is likely to be less efficient in countries with higher
temperatures. We know that this virus can survive for several days. At about 22 degree Celsius, it can
stay alive for 3 to 4 days. At higher temperatures, say in the range of 33 to 35 degree celsius, the
duration of survival would be much smaller.
We do not have full evidence at the moment, but in warmer countries, transmission may be less
efficient. However we cannot assume that it is going to completely stop transmission. If we are lucky,
then higher temperatures may reduce transmission to some extent.

The present virus is very similar to the SARS virus of 2003. Studies conducted on the SARS virus showed that survival viability was rapidly lost at higher temperatures and higher relative humidity. This may explain why some Asian countries in the tropical areas, such as Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand, did not have major community outbreaks of SARS."
- Dr. Malik Peiris

So in naturopathy treatment we decrease the surface tension of viral fluid in throat, nose
and upper part of the lungs and airways, thereby decreasing the concentrations of virus
in the above parts of body with scientific reasoning of “physics laws” which works in
the lungs and bodies.
                                          Role of Surface Tension in COVID-19

Surface tension is the tendency of any liquid to shrink into minimum area possible. Surface
tension is an effect where the surface of liquid is strong; hence the water striders can run on
the surface of water. This property is caused by the molecules in the liquid being attracted
to each other (cohesion) and is responsible for many of the behaviours of liquids, mucus,
fluids in lungs, nose, throat and in the human

This is caused by the effects of intermolecular forces at the inter-surface and is dependent on
the nature of liquid (water + liquid soap) the surrounding environment and "temperature".
Liquids and human lung's fluid; "sinus fluids" and mucus which have large attractive
intermolecular forces will have a large surface tension. By means of increasing temperature -
inhaling hot water vapor (steam) inside lungs, nose, throat will decrease the attractive
intermolecular forces.

So by exhaling strongly, we force out the mucus and fluids out of the nose because long
& strong exhaling will act on decreased attractive intermolecular forces. Doing this
repeatedly and continuously the fluid concentrated of effected 'corona virus' will
come out from the lungs; because less attractive intermolecular forces of fluids will
have less surface tension.

                             How Does Temperature Influence Surface  Tension?

In general, surface tension of any liquid of fluid or mucus decreases because of cohesive
forces (force of attraction) decrease with increase of molecular thermal activity
(temperature). The temperature of air at 40 degrees will decrease the surface tension as
well as adhesive forces acting between the surface wall of lungs, throat or inside nose
wall. So adhesive forces and action of the fluid between fluid and interfaces of tissues of
lungs, nose and throat will decrease, resulting the losing of fluid and mucus will come out
easily through the long exhaling activity with force.

                            Role of Surface Tension in Washing Hands By Liquid Soaps 

Intermolecular forces between water molecules are due to hydrogen bonds which
are high-energy. Surface tension for water is larger than any other liquid. Temperature and
other liquid soap will decrease the surface tension of water. So by washing the hand with
hot water and soap will decrease the attractive and adhesive forces. Thus hot water & soap
will wash out the bacteria very easily. This is why we are washing the hands with soap and
hot water.

So washing hand with hot water-Lowers surface tension and is better wetting agent. The
presence of solute molecules such as detergents or any other substance reduce the
surface tension by replacing some of the water molecules, producing hydrogen bonding
forces-remove the impurities or bacteria-on the skin of hand will be washed away . Because
of the force of attractions or adhesive force between hand skin and bacteria it is
washed away with the water molecules due to reduction in hydrogen bond forces.

The detergents or liquid soaps reduce interfacial tensions between two media having
difference in hydrophilicity, such as oil and water, by having an oleophilic end and a
hydrophilic end. These molecules bridge the interface. That is how detergent and soaps help
wash out oil stains of bacteria on hand.

Examples and Application of Warm Water

Warm water used for washing purposes increases the surface area but decreases
surface tension. This action is replicated by adding detergents to cold water.

Water is Polar - Water is polar meaning it has positively charged ions and negatively charged
ions. The molecules on the surface of glass or a pond or a swimming pool maintain this weak
attraction to the water molecules below the surface of water; but not equally attracted to
any other molecules above them. These forces of water at the surface of the water get
balanced when the surface of the water is at rest; but if you displace a molecule present
underwater, then they will push it again in upward direction (buoyant force).

It's kind of like a trampoline, there is a
tension and when you push, you can feel the
trampoline pushing you back.
  Temperature Increase And Virus
So the temperature effect on the viscosity of gases is different from that liquid. According
to "particles theory" in gases, the molecules are widely spaced as compared to liquid.
Hence the inter molecular forces are weak.

   The Increase in Temperature
The increase in temperature causes the rise of energy of gas molecules which increases the
randomness of molecules. More hindrances cause the increase in the intensity of
intermolecular collision which retard the motion of gases. So the viscosity increases the
rate of inhalation and exhalation. This will lead in forcing out the affected tissue particles
of Corona virus from lungs. Hence the concentration of the mucus fluid
will decrease, thereby decreasing the concentration of disease of the virus.

According to the particle theory in liquid the molecules are loosely packed as compared to
gases. When temperature increases the energy level of liquid (fluid in lungs, throat or nose)
molecule increases. It causes a decrease in intermolecular attractions between them which
reduce viscosity.

Simultaneously increase in temperature of liquid increases the molecular inter- changing
between 'fluid layers' similar to those in gas; interlayer interactions increases viscosity.
In liquid (fluid or mucus) the major problem is to push the material (fluid material or mucus
material) aside to make room. The higher the temperature, the more space, and the
molecules are 'moving faster' so that the interactions between them are weaker, and it is
easier to push them aside. So when we heat it flows better because there is more random
momentum in the molecules and interactions between molecules becomes weaker.

What is vaporization ?
Vaporization is the process that occurs when an element is converted from a liquid or a
solid to a gas. When a liquid is converted to a gas, the process is called evaporation and
boiling. When a material in liquid state is given energy, it changes its state from liquid to
vapor the energy absorbed in this process is called heat of vaporization.
The mechanism of vaporization of smaller amount of water in a balloon by contraction
and relaxation of a balloon for a few number of times is similar to the process by which
corona virus fluids present in the lungs are cleaned.

Real life example:

Take a balloon. Fill it with a quarter spoon of fluid. Now blow air from your lungs to the balloon
and then slowly take it out. Repeat this for 30-40 times. At the end the 30-40 times repetition, fluid
will come out in form of particles or molecules by the law of vaporization.

Similarly when we inhale or exhale strongly the heat produce will result in collision of
particles because of which the fluid containing virus will come out.

How will the mucus be cleaned ?

We can explain this phenomena in the following way: A substance which is in liquid
(fluid) state because of the distance between molecules is rather close compared to gas and
they are far from each other as compared to solid.

Now when you increase the temperature of the system (lungs or throat) we are effectively
adding energy (kinetic energy + pressure energy) which gives the molecules of the
liquid (fluid of virus or mucus) the required energy to overcome intermolecular forces.
When this happens the molecules of fluids (mucus) move farther apart and this decreases
the viscosity of the fluid.

However in gases (breathing the air in lungs) the intermolecular forces are not as strong as
liquid because they are space farther apart and the means of interaction is 'intermolecular
Now adding energy to the system (speeding stronger and faster inhaling and exhaling)
gives the molecules energy to move around faster and cover longer pathways in lungs and
windpipe of lungs and hence 'increasing the intensity of collisions' molecules (moles) with
each other. This gives a rise to the viscosity of the gas (air) we inhale in lungs with increased
intensity. This again displaces the path of the mucous and the fluid affected by virus will
leave the place and comes out with longer and faster speed of the air we exhale.

Viscosity is mainly due to the random movements of molecules of gases in the lungs
and wind pipe of the lungs.

When temperature of gas (when we inhale hot air or steam vapour) is increased, the internal
energy of the molecules increase and this leads to increase random movement. Eventually that
makes the gases more 'resistive' in nature than before, because of the increase in randomness
of molecules, molecules start colliding with each other, retarding the motion of gases
resulting in the increase in viscosity of gases also. By increasing temperature, the number of
jumping molecules increases so more momentum delivery makes more 'hindrance'
against moving forward, so viscosity increases.

In all above cases we are increasing the kinetic energy of flow of fluid; air or blood where the
principle of Bernoulli's theorem works very very well to improve the conditions of Corona

                                             Cellular Health, Diet & Radicals

These natural treatments are focusing on cell and cellular health. Every single cell is just
like a battery and can power us up forgetting its own energy. Now we know that in these
days of environment; body has an excess of carbon dioxide in the system. There are free
radicals in the system that are closely connected to inflammation – the root cause of
most diseases.

So it is literally up to us to control inflammation in our body by choosing right
foods, so that the “Mitochondria” in our cells don’t to have work hard.

That is we need Green Plants, Raw Fruits & Raw Vegetable based diet to improve the
immune system

(1) In order to digest food, we need to bathe it in enzymes that break down its molecules.
Those molecular fragments then pass through the gut wall and are absorbed in
our intestines. But our bodies make a limited range of enzymes, so that we
cannot break down many of the tough compounds in plants. The term “dietary
fibre” refers to those indigestible molecules.

But they are indigestible only to us. The gut is coated with a layer of mucus,
atop which sits a carpet of hundreds of species of bacteria, part of the human
microbiome. Some of these microbes carry the enzymes needed to break down
various kinds of dietary fibre. The ability of these bacteria to survive on
fibre we can’t digest ourselves has led many experts to wonder if the microbes
are somehow involved in the benefit of the fruits and vegetable diet. Two detailed
studies published recently in the journal Cells Host and Microbe provide
compelling evidence that the answer is yes.

(2) Instead, the fibre we eat, feeds billions of bacteria in our guts. Keeping them happy
means our intestines and immune systems remain in good working order.

Corona Virus is Actually a Boon For Delhi. - A study by Dr. Ram Bajaj -

NOTE: Do not forget to take advice from your
doctors, before you follow anything.

About Writer
Dr. Ram Bajaj
Engineer ( BITS PILANI )


  1. The write-up is very informative and describes the effectiveness of naturopathy in fighting the Corona Virus. Great learning about the various DOs and Don'ts.
    Dr.Abhay Kumar
    VC, IEC University

  2. Its scientific and very useful.

  3. Very good survey compared to government survey..

  4. It's Fully Detalied Information IMD Have To Learn From This Blog Thanks for The Blog


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