हमारा पर्व होली
दिनांक : 24 व 25 मार्च 2024
चमत्कार ही है
कि फूलों के रंगों को बदला भी जा सकता है।

Change systems of respiration through – open
necked bottles
Please note that plant respiration happens not only in leaves, but also through root system. We change of system of respiration in root system to change the colour of the flowers and the health of the complete plants. By this system, in root systems, oxygen (O2) in soil pores diffuses into the root hairs and get transported to all parts of the roots. Plant roots use photosynthates during extra respiration through our system for their various functions and change of colour of flowers are one of them.

Flower colour changes occurs in flowers in a wider
range of angiosperm-taxa that undergo colour change associated with age
or after successful pollination. Technique use in colour change.
Mechanisms of Colour Change in Flowers
The three major pigment involved in a flower change are
Anthocyanins, Carotenoids and Betalains
Colour changes can occur from any of the following an accommodation or loss of Anthocyanins, Carotenoids or accumulation of Betalains.

Depending on the species, flower change can effect
and entire flower or it can occur in a localized part.
Senescence and pollination are the most main cause of the flowers colour change.

नोट : चमत्कारी खिलें हुए और बदलते
हुए फूलों को देखकर सैंकडों राह चलते लोग फोटों खिंच रहे है और सोशल मिडिया पर
स्टेटस लगा रहे है। ऐसा चमत्कारी फूलों का पेड़ आज तक किसी ने नहीं देखा - जिसमें
विभिन्न फूलों के रंग अलग-अलग है। ध्यान से देखें - गौर से देखें और फूलों संग होली
अगर किसी भी व्यक्ति को इन चमत्कारी फूलों की जानकारी लेनी हो तो लिखे नम्बर पर सम्पर्क करें : धीरज - Mob: 9261393382

Dr. Ram Bajaj
B.E. (Civil Engineering) From
B.I.T.S, Pilani
Environmentalist on Ganga River
Technical and Researcher/Experts on Taj Mahal
Soil Engineer
Agricultural Scientist
M.A. (Economics)
M.A. (Public Admin.)
M.Com (Fin. Man.)
Diploma In Interior Decoration M.I.E.
M. Struct E.
Structural Engineer
Hello Sir, Quiet interesting note... I am not good in Hindi.. So I could read only the English paragraph... So please forgive me if my doubt is silly. Do we need to provide any nutrients / water through this naked bottles? Or that is only to facilitate the atmospheric Nitrogen and Oxygen supply?