“On Our 75th Republic Day”

देश के नाम एक कृषि क्षेत्र में नई तकनीकी

Aim and object of Dr. Ram Bajaj Technology for Triple growth of any Tree/Crops/Plants and its Triple – Production.

Special normal technology was adopted to achieve to promote Root Health & development by providing O2 & Nitrogen Air – Oxygen (20%) was made available at the bottom of the roots of the Tree/Crops throughout the day and night with the help of Earthen Pot with various holes. The circulation of the air gas from the top of the atmosphere through species device to creates the low/high pressure at the bottom of the pit as well as above the surface of the bottom of the pit as well as above the surface of the earth with the help of open ended simple plastic water bottle for the creation of low pressure at the top of open bottle – where wind blows with various different velocity of speed.

When low pressure at the bottom of the soil / roots of the plants – is created due to the pressure difference between the top of the open neck plastic bottle and at the bottom of the plastic bottle the new air will rush to fill up the gap of the air / voids – created by such phenomenon as indicated above.

The act of low pressure / high pressure – phenomena’s will continuously take place – whenever there is a higher speed of wind blowing at the top.

2000 से ज्यादा की संख्या में आयुर्वेदिक नींबू के फल के नमूने

Balance Act of the air available – inside the empty earthen pot

Also, the air is available – at the bottom of the tree – planted – whereas earthen pot has been placed with various holes on his entire body of earthen pot.

This available air inside the earthen pot at the bottom – will act as balance point for the portiere of the underneath soil – having various roots of the tree / plant. Wherever any pressure difference will create – this available air – inside the earth pot – will rush out to fill the blank at the same time – a new fresh air will rush out from the surface to fill up the air gap – as well as to maintain the pressure.


2000 से ज्यादा की संख्या में आयुर्वेदिक नींबू के फल

The diffusion of air at the bottom will act throughout the – whole process continuously as well as simultaneously.

So under this technology the optimal oxygen demands will be full fill by this diffusion of air at the bottom due to the availability of air – at the bottom.

“Unlimited oxygen is the limiting factor for quality crop and triple growth of the Tree.”

                                                                                                  - Dr.Ram Bajaj

The amount of oxygen available to root cells matter healthy tree growth rate and crops yield.

Higher soil oxygen levels – boost the activity of beneficial soil microbes such as soil mineralization and nutrient conversion – resulting in higher crop yield and higher growth.

Optimums use of Temperature during Cold

जब कार्बनिक पदार्थ घास-पौधे के पत्ते-तना इत्यादि घने तरह से गीली कार्बनिक पदार्थ - खास करके घास के ढेर में सूक्ष्मजीवी क्रिया होती है, जो गर्मी पैदा करती है क्योंकि वह विघटित होती है और सेल्युलोसिक इथेनॉल (जैविक इंधन) का उत्पादन करती है। पर्याप्त मात्रा में गैस के संयोजन, पानी की बूंदो के माध्यम से गर्मी बढ़ना और धूल व महीन कणों की उपस्थिति के साथ सही परिस्थितियों में - लाग भी लग सकती है। पेपर मील में आग अक्सर होने वाली घटना होती है।

Technology used in our plastic open – ended bottles and vent pipes for triple growth of any Tree / Plants




Hay (घास की गठड़िया) is made from plant and plants contain simple sugar known as glucose. When bacterial mould have a source of glucose (available in hay and any leafs) to feed on, that is exactly what will transpire. Hay bales and leafs are this a smorgasbord of detectable glucose to bacteria. The bacteria will take glucose and use it for their need to live energy. The conversion process causes the glucose to catabolize; which is a reaction driven by enzyme catalysts.

Essentially, catabolism takes larger molecules and makes them smaller, causing the smaller molecules to release energy.

Then the bacterial will respirate, oxidizing the glucose until its energy, water and “carbon dioxide”. The energy is released as a heat, because they are digesting organic materials.

If the bacteria accumulate to high degree, then a bate and dry leaf absolutely could spontaneously combust.

The most important component of soil – atmosphere is carbon dioxide, the final decomposition product of organic matter. The intensity of biochemical process taking place in the soil can be judged by the amount of carbon dioxide released. The formation of CO2 depends to a large degree on microbial metabolism. Everything that favours growth of micro-organisms increases the generation of CO2.

CO2 is more important to high yield potential than N or any other mineral elements. Growth adds CO2. Remember that plant growth depends upon carbon to nitrogen ratios 20:1, 30:1 and 40:1. Higher the ratio of C : N, the higher will be the growth rate of any plant or tree.

So increasing the population of micro-organisms with organic matter will increase the yield of any crops. Scientists now accept that new root growth is increased with higher levels of soil CO2; which can be seen in higher total root – respiration.


Nitrogen fixing bacteria are absolutely essential for life

  1. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are absolutely essential for life, because they fix nitrogen-one of the key elements, one of the key building blocks of all of our cells and all of our biochemistry. All animals and plants on the Earth depend upon it, but also human beings. The only way that we can get nitrogen is through the food that we eat – that was originally fixed by the bacteria. Soil food web is essential to enrich soil nutrients.
  2. Although around 80% of the Earth’s atmosphere is made of nitrogen, it’s too stable for most plants and animals to break down. But that’s where the microbes come in. Bacteria in the soil fix the nitrogen. That means they combine it with oxygen or hydrogen into compounds that plants can make use of. Some nitrogen-fixing microbes have even developed a symbiotic relationship with certain plants – like peas and beans.
  3. Nitrogen enters the food chain as a result of microbes taking it from the air and converting it into a more accessible compounds – such as ammonia – which plants can then take up.
  4. These nitrogen-fixing bacteria often live in the roots of legumes – like bean plants and the bean plants are very clever. They send out hairs from their roots that track these bacteria in. And the bacteria essentially take up residence in the roots of these plants. But hairs from root that also track – micro nutrients through cation exchange available in the soil & humus.
  5. These bacteria are incorporated into root nodules and in these special protective houses, bacteria work an aerobically to fix nitrogen into ammonia, using a special enzyme called nitrogenous – which combines hydrogen and nitrogen.
  6. In 1909 the German, Fritx Haber, discovered how to fix nitrogen chemically to create ammonia. Leading to the production of inorganic fertilizers on an industrial scale. One third of the world’s population is now sustained by crops grown using artificial fertilizers. But inorganic fertilizers can be bad for the environment.
  7. Plants that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria can often grow in much poorer soils than other plants, so they’re extremely useful for farmers. The farmers can grow the nitrogen-fixing plants, the bacteria will fix the nitrogen, and then they can come along with the plow and churn those plants into the soil and thereby enrich the soil with nitrogen.
पाले से फसल / पेड़ की जड़े खत्म नहीं होगी, क्योंकि उसे Decomposition of Grass / leaf and the respiration action of Micro-organism से गर्मी उत्पन्न होगी - वह जड़ों के आसपास तापमान को बढाऐगी। जिससे पाला जमने नहीं देगी। पाले के कारण पौधे की कोशिकाऐं में उपस्थित जल जमने से कोशिकाभिति फट जाती है, जिससे पौधे पत्तियां, कपोले, फूल-फल क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाते है।

Optimums use of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria in this Technology

Nitrogen fixing bacteria is absolutely essential for which is one of the key elements. All animals and plants on earth depend upon it, but also human being. Soil food web is essential to enrich soil nutrients.

Bacteria in the soil fix the nitrogen. That means they combine it with oxygen or hydrogen into compounds that plants can make use of. Some nitrogen – fixing microbes have been developed a symbiotic relationship with certain plants – like peas and beans.

Nitrogen enters the food chain as a result of microbes – taking it from the air as well as available through our technology – nearer to the inside inner – soil layers and have enough, air oxygen, hydrogen to converting into a more accessible compounds – such an ammonia – which plants or tree can there take up.

Higher soil oxygen levels boost the multiple – activities of beneficial soil microbes – such as soil mineralization and nutrient conversion – resulting in triple higher crops yield.

Natural microbes and their food is also – made available – through the open ended – plastic bottle time to time. Cow dung, cow urine, jugglery, basin, flour and wood ash.

ध्यान देवें कि पौधे जड़ों के माध्यम से नाइट्रेट आयनों, नाइट्राईट आयनों या अमोनिया आयनों के रूप में अवशोषण द्वारा मृदा से नाइट्रोजन लेते है।

पौधे अपनी जड़ों द्वारा नाइट्रोजन यौगिक ग्रहण करते है। पौधे की जड़े स्वयं पी.एच (pH) को बदलकर और कार्बनिक यौगिकों या ऑक्सीजन को स्त्रवित करके नाइट्रोजन के विभिन्न रूपों की प्रचुरता को प्रभावित कर सकती है और इस टेक्नोलॉजी में करती भी है, क्योंकि ऑक्सीजन प्रचूर मात्रा में उपलब्ध है।

Optimal use of Carbon dioxide for the Triple growth of the plants / tree and the higher temperature available at the bottom of the tree – to create a low pressure thereby rushing fresh air from the top of the surface to the bottom of roots area.

पूरे एक साल तक आपको पेड़ की वृद्धि के लिए झांकने की जरूरत नहीं है - सिर्फ महिने में एक बार - एक बाल्टी Conduit Pipe के माध्यम से पानी देना होगा। एक साल में पेड़ की ऊॅंचाई तीन गुणा बढ़नी ही - पड़ेगी। जॉंच ले - परख लें। लगने वाले फल का आकार लगभग डेढ़ गुना होगी और मीठे फल होंगे।

Material Requirement of the Triple Growth of Lemon Tree

Earth pot having various holes on it body – is laid down at the bottom of the pit with having – fresh cow dung, kitchen waste, wood dust, cow urine, jugglery, various type of grains, Basin ( बेसन), Flour (आटा), Hay (घास), coconut jute (नारियल जूट), sugarcane hush (गन्ना चुरा), Dry leafs, Food ash, Aspen salt, सुहागा for boron sulphar, various type of rock stone, rock sand 2" conduit pipe with elbow pipe at bottom with various holes on the pipe for air flow deep watering and fresh microbes though this vent pipe and open necked plastic bottle – at least four bottle with holes to pass the air and buttermilk (छाछ), nutrients + kitchen waste for earth warm. Good soil with natural compost or cow manure with cow urine and jugglery and natural various stones for micro nutrients. 

For one year – one should not to take any care for the tree – except the liquid of fresh cow dung and urine to supply the new microbes and their feed and – deep watering – once a month only.

नोट : फरवरी 2024 में अगर आप 2000 (दो हजार) से लदा नींबू पेड़ देखना चाहते है -  तो सम्पर्क करें।

  1. धीरज – 9261393382
  2. सोनी -  8000692336 
     ईमेल – info@rambajaj.com
Date: 26 January 2024


Dr. Ram Bajaj


B.E. (Civil Engineering) From 

B.I.T.S, Pilani

Environmentalist on Ganga River

Technical and Researcher/Experts on Taj Mahal

Soil Engineer

Agricultural Scientist

M.A. (Economics)

M.A. (Public Admin.) 

M.Com (Fin. Man.) 


Diploma In Interior Decoration M.I.E.

M. Struct E.


Structural Engineer


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