“दुनियाँ” के श्रेष्ठतम पानी में से सिर्फ एक ही पानी “अमृत
यह हम नहीं - इस पानी के केमिकल्स, बैक्टरीओलॉजिकल
परिणाम बोलता है। आप दुनियाँ की नामी गिरामी मिनरल्स बोतल पानी की तुलना कर लें – “अमृत
प्राकृतिक पानी आपको मिल ही नहीं सकता।
– Zero – Zero
- जीरो बैक्टीरीया
- जीरो माइक्रोप्लास्टिक के छोटे छोटे कण
- जीरो रेज्यूडल क्लोरीन
- जीरो आयरन
- जीरो आर्सेनिक लीड
- जीरो फ्लोराइड्स (0.24mg/L) नाईट्रेट रहित
विश्व की प्रख्यात ब्राण्डेड मिनरल्स पानी की बोतलों की अगर बात करें
- तो कोई भी कंपनी यह दावा और गारण्टी तो नहीं दे नहीं सकती कि उनका पानी जीरो बैक्टीरीया पराबैंगनी किरणों के रहित और
बिना माइक्रोप्लास्टिक कणों का होना, क्योंकि उनके सारे पानी का प्रोसेस ही प्लास्टिक कार्ट्रिज जाली व UV कार्ट्रिज के माध्यम से होता है। पानी को प्लास्टिक की बन्द बोतलों में भरा
जाता है जिसका ढक्कन भी प्लास्टिक का ही होता है। यही कैंसर के मुख्य-मुख्य कारण
है, जिसमें नाइट्रेट और फ्लोराइड भी शामिल
-डॉ.राम बजाज
reports attached here with the – world most natural purified mineral water – check

The chemical and Bacteriological examinations of Amrit Dhara water is only natural water available in the history of Natural Mineral Water. Not a single – world best – natural packed bottled water cannot provides such a result. You yourself will compare with other various brand of the most famous mineral water. Zero bacteria – zero residual chlorine – zero iron – zero arsenic lead / heavy metals – zero micro plastic particles approximately – zero fluoride.
Zero Bacteria – Free water – Amrit
bottle mentioned only disinfection of water through U/F or other process.
“FIJI” water company most famous name in the history mentioned at their
bottled. “The water is filtered to remove any particular matter, micro-filtered
to remove microbiological particles and Ultraviolet light is applied to
ensure – disinfection”. How smart they are? You judge yourself.
Residual Chlorine Zero – Iron Zero
the chloramines and chlorine reduction zero leads to Herbicides and Pesticides
reduction zero.
“NA a
single branded company provide us – so much zero value in their mineral water
Heavy metals and lead, Arsenic
reduction zero
kit Analysis Report – Amrit Dhara
Micro-Plastic zero
Not a
single branded or non branded water company way provide such a remarkable
specification. Because we did not use any type of plastic in our
filtration-purification, any micro plastic particles available in water
filtered out through our various stages of water purification and is self
regulating – scientific now technology through our positive-negative ions
available in purifying water.
– Reported published natural bottle water investigation – contamination with
micro-plastic particles and Arsenic lead
Publication attached – Analyzed
दुनियाँ की श्रेष्ठतम मिनरल्स वाटर कम्पनी आपको जहर ही पिला रही है - अमृत नहीं। आप पैसा खर्च करके जहर पी रहे है।
-डॉ.राम बजाज
Important update regarding False Claims
However, let us not forget where bottled water comes from and what is there “Naturally Alkaline Mineral Composition. Dr.Ram Bajaj
When you look at various branded bottle of water, you will see “Fresh Water Source” – written across the bottle with beautiful mountains and pristine rivers in the back ground. But the truth is nearly 64% of bottled water in USA and India is filtered tap water, according to a 2018 report from the advocacy group food and water watch.
The WHO launched a health review after an analysis of some of the world’s most popular bottled water brands found that more than 90% contained “tine pieces of plastic” that not only causes “cancer”, but Hormone disruption and the D.N.A change, altered sex-specific behaviours, infertility (Lowered Sperm Count) and altered functions of reproductive “organs”.
But Amrit Dhara has a zero tolerance in this regard. Our technology provides zero micro-plastic – mineral structured alkalined water. Do not invite Cancer Reject. RO branded mineral bottled water at once.
How much Fluoride is safe? Health Effect
Fluoride is highly reactive and toxic substance. Which according to the “EFSA” serves no essential in human growth and development. This means there is zero reason to put any fluoride in your body.
Fluoride accumulation in a human body leads to:
- Skeletal Fluorosis: weaker bones, stiffness and pain in joints
- Dental Fluorosis
- Hypothyroidism
Drinking water should help you prevent disease – not bring you closer to disease. Levels of fluoride commonly found in fresh water, should not be more than 1.1ppm microgram/litter. And our Amrit Dhara – fluoride is not been exceeded above 0.2ppm. What a remarkable fluoride level?
Our Amrit Dhara Technology is also most effective, but has to utilize at least two Amrit Dhara pot simultaneously. Pour fluoride’s contaminated water in 1st Amrit Dhara pot at least for six hour and then shift that 1st Amrit Dhara pot’s water in 2nd hours. The water available in 2nd pot is more or less up to the required level of fluoride. If not than repeat same procedure, transferring the 2nd pot water in 1st pot and remains that water for another six hour in 1st pot.
Now the water available in 1st Amrit Dhara pot is up to the mark of required fluoride “EFSA” standard. How useful is the Amrit Dhara pot for the purification of fluoride.
75% and 80% of people living in India and USA have Magnesium mineral deficiency? Are you suffering chronic symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency?
Magnesium is available in certain foods, but in mineral water form magnesium is probably the most easily absorbed by the stomach.
But in our RO and bottled water does not contain the magnesium ingredient up to the required level, so we are suffering chronic symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency.
If you experience three or more following symptoms, there is a good chance you have magnesium deficiency. You need a natural pure water having the required magnesium contains Amrit Dhara 24.4mg/litter magnesium needed by the average man & women.
Name of the Disease
- Depression, mood swings, anxiety attacks or panic attacks, inability to handle emotional stress well, irritability, including post natal depression
- Cramps, stiff neck, stiff back/ spasms or general muscular tightness / stiffness sometimes RSI
- Back pain that refuses to heal despite months of physiotherapy or Chiropractic treatment
- CFS: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Sensation of a lump in throat, comes and goes
- Bruxism - teeth grinding during asleep ( jaw feels stiff or painful in the morning)
- Bladder related issue- frequent urination
- Foggy mind, poor memory
- Restless leg syndrome - feels better when shaking legs whilst sitting at rest
- Hand tremors (shakes)
- Eyelid twitches (ticks)
- A cramp of the heart = Heart Attack ! If you already suffer leg cramps, that maybe an early indicator you maybe short of Magnesium, Potassium etc!
- Hypertension
- MVP - Mitral Valve Prolapse - another heart condition
- Periodontitis - loose teeth due to insufficient bone material
- Dental cavities
- Osteoporosis (brittle bones, Calcium itself is NOT enough !)
- Migraines
- Asthma and Diabetes (some cases)
- Constipation
- Photophobia - excessive sensitivity to light and aversion to sunlight or well-lit places
- Tourette's Syndrome
- Tinnitus
If you are suffering these symptoms, please consult a health practitioner such as a Nutritionist or Naturopath or a physician who knows about Magnesium. Ask if it is safe for you to take Magnesium supplements via pills or mineral water. DO NOT ask if you need to take Magnesium supplements, but ask if it is safe for you to take them. Many doctors are simply not up to date with the latest scientific discoveries the effects of Magnesium on mental and physical health.
Dietary Magnesium is a vital mineral nutrient like Calcium, Iron & Zinc. Magnesium deficiency affects up to 300body processes and has critical impact on mental and physical health often manifesting as chronic and mysterious symptoms that often eludes the scrutiny of GP doctors uneducated about Magnesium. Magnesium is available in certain foods, but in mineral water form, magnesium is probably the most easily absorbed by the stomach. Pills, powders, vegetables, beans and nuts are other good sources off magnesium, but some people ( 30 % ?) have trouble absorbing Magnesium in pill & nut form. If you are one of them, you may like to try bottled mineral water. The average man & woman needs 400 mg & 320 mg of magnesium, respectively, a day. Note that a 1.5 litre Evian bottle or 750 ml Pellegrino bottle provides only 40 mg i.e. roughly 10% of daily needs! But that may suffice if you are using it as a supplement, not replacement!
Any branded bottled company in India not contains 24.4mg/L magnesium. Amrit Dhara creates the history in natural water purification.
If fluoridation is done by branded bottled company – the fluoridation removes magnesium found naturally in drinking water. So there will be always magnesium deficiency and 75% of our population is suffering the magnesium deficiency.
मैगनीशियम (Mg – 12) सिर्फ केमिस्ट्री लैब में ही नहीं – हमारे शरीर के लिए भी एकदम जरूरी मिनरल्स पोषक तत्व है।
-डॉ.राम बजाज
ध्यान देवें कि मैगनीशियम एक ऐसा जरूरी पोषक तत्व है जिसकी शरीर में 300 से ज्यादा एंजाइमिक रिएक्शंस में अति-अति महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है-जैसे कि छोटी आन्त में भोजन के जो पोषक तत्व अवशोषित होते है-उसमें मैगनीशियम प्रमुख भूमिका निभाता है। डायबिटीज-2 एक ऐसी खतरनाक बिमारी है जिसे नियंत्रण में न किया जाए तो शरीर के हर फंक्शन को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित करती है-मैगनीशियम की कमी हो जाती है। इसलिए भोजन और विटामिन सप्लीमेन्ट के द्वारा इस कमी को पूरा किया जाता है।
अमृत धारा पानी से आपके शरीर में मैगनीशियम की कमी को पूरा करेगा ही करेगा और बिमारियों से बचाएगा भी।
Most Trusted water Analysis by USA kit
in the world “VERIFY” USA
हिन्दुस्तान की नामी मिनरल्स वाटर के बोतलों पर दिए गए
भ्रामक तथ्यों का पर्दापाश-आपके सामने। लाल बॉक्स में किए गए सभी दावे खोखले और
झूठे साबित हो चुके है। कृपया गहराई से समझें।
Dr.Ram Bajaj
B.E. (Civil Engineering) From
B.I.T.S, Pilani
Environmentalist on Ganga River
Technical and Researcher/Experts on Taj Mahal
Soil Engineer
Agricultural Scientist
M.A. (Economics)
M.A. (Public Admin.)
M.Com (Fin. Man.)
Diploma In Interior Decoration M.I.E.
M. Struct E.
Structural Engineer
Very well researched and thought provoking scientific artical !