Date: 01 January 2022

नववर्ष पर देश और दुनिया को एक पहला अदभुत परन्तु चमत्कारिक शोध जिससे वनों का भविष्य पल्टा जा सकता है।

आप सभी को नववर्ष की शुभकामनाऐं।

Miracles Botanical Revolution in World

Dr. Ram Bajaj’s “Neem”

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-12-23 at 1.01.38 PM.jpeg

A unique scientific natural method invented by Dr. Ram Bajaj


Zero budget “Fruit Tree Plantation” is possible – to receive the highest organic production within 3 years spans.


Marvellous (अदभुत - चमत्कारिक) interaction between engineering – Biology & Geology is unlocked in the growth of height of a Neem Tree – which is racing against “clock”. 


A marvellous (अदभुत - चमत्कारिक) complex interaction between soil Biology & Geology – unlocked with the help of engineering principles applied on “special scientific cut” – “Plastic Bottle” – resulting the tremendous growth – in a height of Neem Tree – which is racing against “clock”–creating a world record. 

मात्र एक प्लास्टिक बोतल के अदभुत - चमत्कारिक इंजीनियरिंग सांइटिफिक कट के उपयोग से देश के वनों का भविष्य पल्टा जा सकता है।

How the healthy soil is derived?



“We feed soil not Tree”

  - Dr. Ram Bajaj


हम मिट्टी को भोजन देते है - पेड़ को नहीं

जबकि कृषि वैज्ञानिक पेड़ को भोजन देते है – मिट्टी को नहीं।

                                                                                 डा. राम बजाज


तभी तो किसानों की यह दुर्दशा हो रही है - जबकि कृषि वैज्ञानिकों की सोच ही उल्टी है। क्योंकि वह मिट्टी को नहीं - सिर्फ पेड़ को ही भोजन दे रहे है और मिट्टी का सत्यानाश कर चुके है।


कृषि वैज्ञानिकों, कृपया कृषि विज्ञान को दुबारा पढ़ना शुरू कर दे और अपनी उल्टी सोच को बदल दें - वरना यह मिट्टी (धरती) आपको मिट्टी में, उम्र से पहले ही - घोल देगी। चारों तरफ बीमारियों का आवरण चढ़ा रखा है - क्या यह एक बड़ी चेतावनी नहीं है। इस मिट्टी में मिलने से पहले इस चेतावनी को गम्भीरता से लेवे अन्यथा यह मिट्टी (धरती) आपको माफ नहीं करेगी।


The healthy soil is derived from marvellously (अदभुत - चमत्कार) complex interaction between the soil biology and geology.


The secret to grow healthy and nutritious food begins with soil.


Naturally healthy soil contains billions of living microorganisms from bacteria to earthworms and between these two microorganisms there are nematodes, fungi, protozoa and arthropods. Together they join in a very very carefully choreographed “bacterial various instruments” in which each instruments (organisms) has a very specific role to play from the recycling of nutrients to the decomposition of organic materials.


Yet, organic matter is only part of the healthy soil.


While compost is a key component of healthy soil structure, no amount of organic matter can make up the “Mineral” deficiencies.



Material used for increasing in population of microorganisms


One of the keys to restoring the health of our soil is through the process of remineralisation. As proficient as plants are, they can’t make the minerals that are essential to human health and nutrition. We can rely on “Mother Nature’s old standby” to do the work for us, but since our population has increased tremendously – so the standby of “mother nature” has exhausted the “standby” – storage.


The modern day solution is to add mineral fragments back to the soil with rock dust only with finely cursed rock containing micro-nutrients and tree elements that are important to the life cycle of plants and which enhance the ability of beneficial microbes to flourish.


Simply stated, rock minerals are the building blocks of healthy soil.


Compost is a key component of healthy soil structure, including long time mineralization of soil by the microorganisms.


Because the plants & tree could not access the minerals in rock directly. It turns out they’re a “fungus” that grows all through “forests-trees” that are often found intermingled with root (Mycorrhizae) of other plants directly. These mycorrhizae (fungus) itself was also found encircling the tiny bits of stone in the soil, dissolving them for tree / plant as the plant gained by this by its better health, the fungus benefitted by also nutrients from the plant or tree.


This mycorrhizae is a product of symbiotic association between fungi and green plant. The plant prepare sugar through process of photosynthesis for the fungus and in turn the fungus provide essentials minerals as phosphorous and other minerals to the plant and tree. There is no doubt that mycorrhiza fungi play an important role in plant or tree growth. They help aggregate the soil, we which in turn provides plant / tree roots with better access to water & oxygen. Mycorrhizae are essential in area where soils are deficient in water and certain nutrients – conditions that are found in desert.



Development of Fungus where mushroom grows


Natural Decay of Organic material by creating ideal condition of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) rations for organisms to thrive and increases their population and decomposes the material.





Birds manure and others used for compositing the humus to increasing the population of microorganisms


The correct carbon to nitrogen ration (C : N) is the key to composting. 30 : 1 C : N ratio, meaning carbon to nitrogen ratio is ideal, because microorganisms that feed on the organic materials consume 30 part carbon to every part of nitrogen.


For composting materials four basic ingredients required are carbon, nitrogen water and oxygen.


Grass clips are rich in nitrogen, while dead leafs are rich in carbon. So the combination of both the natural materials are needed for the composting with oxygen & water.


Our C : N ration for Neem Tree


Green material (< 30 : 1 carbon nitrogen ration)


  1. Grass clippings 17 : 1

  2. Coffee grounds 20 : 1

  3. Manure 20 : 1

  4. Veggie scraps


Brown material (> 30 : 1 carbon nitrogen ration)


  1. Dead leaves 60 : 1

  2. Straw 90 : 1

  3. Paper 175 : 1

  4. Saw dust 500 : 1


So the ideal combination of our composting for neem tree will be.


One part green grass or leaf cutting = 17 : 1

One part of fresh cow dung = 20 : 1

One part of dead leaves and straws = 60 : 1

Total = 97 : 3

So ideal ratio = 97 : 3 = 32.3 : 1


32 : 1 (C : N) ratio is the ideal for the neem tree for the microorganisms of cow dung’s and soil for decompose the above materials.


So, this composting material decomposed by bacteria – first soil organic matter converts nitrate – nitrogen. Second, ammonium converts to nitrate for nitrification for the plants / tree.



    C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-4408.png

Researcher is developing also fungus in field lab


Researcher is developing also fungus in field lab


Humus is a Dark – long – lasting materials left over when dead plants and animals decay. This view suggests that the key to building soils was getting a lot of plant material into the ground (soil).


Recently, however, technical advances have transformed our understanding of soil formation. There is now strong evidence that the most persistent forms of soil carbon are formed primarily from dead microbial – bodies rather than from leftover plant part.


The vast majority of old soil carbon appears to have undergone microbial decomposition. While plants are the original source of carbon for soils; microbes control its fate by using it as food, thus ensuring that at least some of it will remain in the soil.


It this is evidence that our only cow dung’s microorganisms are the sufficient to feed any plant or tree – to survive and give us the qualitative and quality food for the human being.


Only, we have to add them is to their proper feeding with Humus to survive in the proper soil. So feed them with their requirements and developments of their increasing population in the soil. Increasing population of microorganisms will automatically, feed the plant / tree and automatically the plant and tree will feed us (humus) – properly a healthy manner.




Researcher Dr. Ram Bajaj feed – soil – not Tree. This is the whole concept and analysis of our research for the four times growth of our Neem Tree – with in a period of 3 year span only. “A World Record in achieving height of Neem”.



नोट : विस्तृत शोध का थोड़ा इंतजार करें।


Date: 01 January 2022

नववर्ष पर देश और दुनिया को एक पहला अदभुत परन्तु चमत्कारिक शोध जिससे वनों का भविष्य पल्टा जा सकता है।

आप सभी को नववर्ष की शुभकामनाऐं।

Miracles Botanical Revolution in World

Dr. Ram Bajaj’s “Neem”

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-12-23 at 1.01.38 PM.jpeg

A unique scientific natural method invented by Dr. Ram Bajaj


Zero budget “Fruit Tree Plantation” is possible – to receive the highest organic production within 3 years spans.


Marvellous (अदभुत - चमत्कारिक) interaction between engineering – Biology & Geology is unlocked in the growth of height of a Neem Tree – which is racing against “clock”. 


A marvellous (अदभुत - चमत्कारिक) complex interaction between soil Biology & Geology – unlocked with the help of engineering principles applied on “special scientific cut” – “Plastic Bottle” – resulting the tremendous growth – in a height of Neem Tree – which is racing against “clock”–creating a world record. 

मात्र एक प्लास्टिक बोतल के अदभुत - चमत्कारिक इंजीनियरिंग सांइटिफिक कट के उपयोग से देश के वनों का भविष्य पल्टा जा सकता है।

How the healthy soil is derived?



“We feed soil not Tree”

  - Dr. Ram Bajaj


हम मिट्टी को भोजन देते है - पेड़ को नहीं

जबकि कृषि वैज्ञानिक पेड़ को भोजन देते है – मिट्टी को नहीं।

                                                                                 डा. राम बजाज


तभी तो किसानों की यह दुर्दशा हो रही है - जबकि कृषि वैज्ञानिकों की सोच ही उल्टी है। क्योंकि वह मिट्टी को नहीं - सिर्फ पेड़ को ही भोजन दे रहे है और मिट्टी का सत्यानाश कर चुके है।


कृषि वैज्ञानिकों, कृपया कृषि विज्ञान को दुबारा पढ़ना शुरू कर दे और अपनी उल्टी सोच को बदल दें - वरना यह मिट्टी (धरती) आपको मिट्टी में, उम्र से पहले ही - घोल देगी। चारों तरफ बीमारियों का आवरण चढ़ा रखा है - क्या यह एक बड़ी चेतावनी नहीं है। इस मिट्टी में मिलने से पहले इस चेतावनी को गम्भीरता से लेवे अन्यथा यह मिट्टी (धरती) आपको माफ नहीं करेगी।


The healthy soil is derived from marvellously (अदभुत - चमत्कार) complex interaction between the soil biology and geology.


The secret to grow healthy and nutritious food begins with soil.


Naturally healthy soil contains billions of living microorganisms from bacteria to earthworms and between these two microorganisms there are nematodes, fungi, protozoa and arthropods. Together they join in a very very carefully choreographed “bacterial various instruments” in which each instruments (organisms) has a very specific role to play from the recycling of nutrients to the decomposition of organic materials.


Yet, organic matter is only part of the healthy soil.


While compost is a key component of healthy soil structure, no amount of organic matter can make up the “Mineral” deficiencies.



Material used for increasing in population of microorganisms


One of the keys to restoring the health of our soil is through the process of remineralisation. As proficient as plants are, they can’t make the minerals that are essential to human health and nutrition. We can rely on “Mother Nature’s old standby” to do the work for us, but since our population has increased tremendously – so the standby of “mother nature” has exhausted the “standby” – storage.


The modern day solution is to add mineral fragments back to the soil with rock dust only with finely cursed rock containing micro-nutrients and tree elements that are important to the life cycle of plants and which enhance the ability of beneficial microbes to flourish.


Simply stated, rock minerals are the building blocks of healthy soil.


Compost is a key component of healthy soil structure, including long time mineralization of soil by the microorganisms.


Because the plants & tree could not access the minerals in rock directly. It turns out they’re a “fungus” that grows all through “forests-trees” that are often found intermingled with root (Mycorrhizae) of other plants directly. These mycorrhizae (fungus) itself was also found encircling the tiny bits of stone in the soil, dissolving them for tree / plant as the plant gained by this by its better health, the fungus benefitted by also nutrients from the plant or tree.


This mycorrhizae is a product of symbiotic association between fungi and green plant. The plant prepare sugar through process of photosynthesis for the fungus and in turn the fungus provide essentials minerals as phosphorous and other minerals to the plant and tree. There is no doubt that mycorrhiza fungi play an important role in plant or tree growth. They help aggregate the soil, we which in turn provides plant / tree roots with better access to water & oxygen. Mycorrhizae are essential in area where soils are deficient in water and certain nutrients – conditions that are found in desert.



Development of Fungus where mushroom grows


Natural Decay of Organic material by creating ideal condition of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) rations for organisms to thrive and increases their population and decomposes the material.





Birds manure and others used for compositing the humus to increasing the population of microorganisms


The correct carbon to nitrogen ration (C : N) is the key to composting. 30 : 1 C : N ratio, meaning carbon to nitrogen ratio is ideal, because microorganisms that feed on the organic materials consume 30 part carbon to every part of nitrogen.


For composting materials four basic ingredients required are carbon, nitrogen water and oxygen.


Grass clips are rich in nitrogen, while dead leafs are rich in carbon. So the combination of both the natural materials are needed for the composting with oxygen & water.


Our C : N ration for Neem Tree


Green material (< 30 : 1 carbon nitrogen ration)


  1. Grass clippings 17 : 1

  2. Coffee grounds 20 : 1

  3. Manure 20 : 1

  4. Veggie scraps


Brown material (> 30 : 1 carbon nitrogen ration)


  1. Dead leaves 60 : 1

  2. Straw 90 : 1

  3. Paper 175 : 1

  4. Saw dust 500 : 1


So the ideal combination of our composting for neem tree will be.


One part green grass or leaf cutting = 17 : 1

One part of fresh cow dung = 20 : 1

One part of dead leaves and straws = 60 : 1

Total = 97 : 3

So ideal ratio = 97 : 3 = 32.3 : 1


32 : 1 (C : N) ratio is the ideal for the neem tree for the microorganisms of cow dung’s and soil for decompose the above materials.


So, this composting material decomposed by bacteria – first soil organic matter converts nitrate – nitrogen. Second, ammonium converts to nitrate for nitrification for the plants / tree.



    C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-4408.png

Researcher is developing also fungus in field lab


Researcher is developing also fungus in field lab


Humus is a Dark – long – lasting materials left over when dead plants and animals decay. This view suggests that the key to building soils was getting a lot of plant material into the ground (soil).


Recently, however, technical advances have transformed our understanding of soil formation. There is now strong evidence that the most persistent forms of soil carbon are formed primarily from dead microbial – bodies rather than from leftover plant part.


The vast majority of old soil carbon appears to have undergone microbial decomposition. While plants are the original source of carbon for soils; microbes control its fate by using it as food, thus ensuring that at least some of it will remain in the soil.


It this is evidence that our only cow dung’s microorganisms are the sufficient to feed any plant or tree – to survive and give us the qualitative and quality food for the human being.


Only, we have to add them is to their proper feeding with Humus to survive in the proper soil. So feed them with their requirements and developments of their increasing population in the soil. Increasing population of microorganisms will automatically, feed the plant / tree and automatically the plant and tree will feed us (humus) – properly a healthy manner.




Researcher Dr. Ram Bajaj feed – soil – not Tree. This is the whole concept and analysis of our research for the four times growth of our Neem Tree – with in a period of 3 year span only. “A World Record in achieving height of Neem”.



नोट : विस्तृत शोध का थोड़ा इंतजार करें।


Date: 01 January 2022

नववर्ष पर देश और दुनिया को एक पहला अदभुत परन्तु चमत्कारिक शोध जिससे वनों का भविष्य पल्टा जा सकता है।

आप सभी को नववर्ष की शुभकामनाऐं।

Miracles Botanical Revolution in World

Dr. Ram Bajaj’s “Neem”

C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2021-12-23 at 1.01.38 PM.jpeg

A unique scientific natural method invented by Dr. Ram Bajaj


Zero budget “Fruit Tree Plantation” is possible – to receive the highest organic production within 3 years spans.


Marvellous (अदभुत - चमत्कारिक) interaction between engineering – Biology & Geology is unlocked in the growth of height of a Neem Tree – which is racing against “clock”. 


A marvellous (अदभुत - चमत्कारिक) complex interaction between soil Biology & Geology – unlocked with the help of engineering principles applied on “special scientific cut” – “Plastic Bottle” – resulting the tremendous growth – in a height of Neem Tree – which is racing against “clock”–creating a world record. 

मात्र एक प्लास्टिक बोतल के अदभुत - चमत्कारिक इंजीनियरिंग सांइटिफिक कट के उपयोग से देश के वनों का भविष्य पल्टा जा सकता है।

How the healthy soil is derived?



“We feed soil not Tree”

  - Dr. Ram Bajaj


हम मिट्टी को भोजन देते है - पेड़ को नहीं

जबकि कृषि वैज्ञानिक पेड़ को भोजन देते है – मिट्टी को नहीं।

                                                                                 डा. राम बजाज


तभी तो किसानों की यह दुर्दशा हो रही है - जबकि कृषि वैज्ञानिकों की सोच ही उल्टी है। क्योंकि वह मिट्टी को नहीं - सिर्फ पेड़ को ही भोजन दे रहे है और मिट्टी का सत्यानाश कर चुके है।


कृषि वैज्ञानिकों, कृपया कृषि विज्ञान को दुबारा पढ़ना शुरू कर दे और अपनी उल्टी सोच को बदल दें - वरना यह मिट्टी (धरती) आपको मिट्टी में, उम्र से पहले ही - घोल देगी। चारों तरफ बीमारियों का आवरण चढ़ा रखा है - क्या यह एक बड़ी चेतावनी नहीं है। इस मिट्टी में मिलने से पहले इस चेतावनी को गम्भीरता से लेवे अन्यथा यह मिट्टी (धरती) आपको माफ नहीं करेगी।


The healthy soil is derived from marvellously (अदभुत - चमत्कार) complex interaction between the soil biology and geology.


The secret to grow healthy and nutritious food begins with soil.


Naturally healthy soil contains billions of living microorganisms from bacteria to earthworms and between these two microorganisms there are nematodes, fungi, protozoa and arthropods. Together they join in a very very carefully choreographed “bacterial various instruments” in which each instruments (organisms) has a very specific role to play from the recycling of nutrients to the decomposition of organic materials.


Yet, organic matter is only part of the healthy soil.


While compost is a key component of healthy soil structure, no amount of organic matter can make up the “Mineral” deficiencies.



Material used for increasing in population of microorganisms


One of the keys to restoring the health of our soil is through the process of remineralisation. As proficient as plants are, they can’t make the minerals that are essential to human health and nutrition. We can rely on “Mother Nature’s old standby” to do the work for us, but since our population has increased tremendously – so the standby of “mother nature” has exhausted the “standby” – storage.


The modern day solution is to add mineral fragments back to the soil with rock dust only with finely cursed rock containing micro-nutrients and tree elements that are important to the life cycle of plants and which enhance the ability of beneficial microbes to flourish.


Simply stated, rock minerals are the building blocks of healthy soil.


Compost is a key component of healthy soil structure, including long time mineralization of soil by the microorganisms.


Because the plants & tree could not access the minerals in rock directly. It turns out they’re a “fungus” that grows all through “forests-trees” that are often found intermingled with root (Mycorrhizae) of other plants directly. These mycorrhizae (fungus) itself was also found encircling the tiny bits of stone in the soil, dissolving them for tree / plant as the plant gained by this by its better health, the fungus benefitted by also nutrients from the plant or tree.


This mycorrhizae is a product of symbiotic association between fungi and green plant. The plant prepare sugar through process of photosynthesis for the fungus and in turn the fungus provide essentials minerals as phosphorous and other minerals to the plant and tree. There is no doubt that mycorrhiza fungi play an important role in plant or tree growth. They help aggregate the soil, we which in turn provides plant / tree roots with better access to water & oxygen. Mycorrhizae are essential in area where soils are deficient in water and certain nutrients – conditions that are found in desert.



Development of Fungus where mushroom grows


Natural Decay of Organic material by creating ideal condition of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) rations for organisms to thrive and increases their population and decomposes the material.





Birds manure and others used for compositing the humus to increasing the population of microorganisms


The correct carbon to nitrogen ration (C : N) is the key to composting. 30 : 1 C : N ratio, meaning carbon to nitrogen ratio is ideal, because microorganisms that feed on the organic materials consume 30 part carbon to every part of nitrogen.


For composting materials four basic ingredients required are carbon, nitrogen water and oxygen.


Grass clips are rich in nitrogen, while dead leafs are rich in carbon. So the combination of both the natural materials are needed for the composting with oxygen & water.


Our C : N ration for Neem Tree


Green material (< 30 : 1 carbon nitrogen ration)


  1. Grass clippings 17 : 1

  2. Coffee grounds 20 : 1

  3. Manure 20 : 1

  4. Veggie scraps


Brown material (> 30 : 1 carbon nitrogen ration)


  1. Dead leaves 60 : 1

  2. Straw 90 : 1

  3. Paper 175 : 1

  4. Saw dust 500 : 1


So the ideal combination of our composting for neem tree will be.


One part green grass or leaf cutting = 17 : 1

One part of fresh cow dung = 20 : 1

One part of dead leaves and straws = 60 : 1

Total = 97 : 3

So ideal ratio = 97 : 3 = 32.3 : 1


32 : 1 (C : N) ratio is the ideal for the neem tree for the microorganisms of cow dung’s and soil for decompose the above materials.


So, this composting material decomposed by bacteria – first soil organic matter converts nitrate – nitrogen. Second, ammonium converts to nitrate for nitrification for the plants / tree.



    C:\Users\TABLE23RNB\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG-4408.png

Researcher is developing also fungus in field lab


Researcher is developing also fungus in field lab


Humus is a Dark – long – lasting materials left over when dead plants and animals decay. This view suggests that the key to building soils was getting a lot of plant material into the ground (soil).


Recently, however, technical advances have transformed our understanding of soil formation. There is now strong evidence that the most persistent forms of soil carbon are formed primarily from dead microbial – bodies rather than from leftover plant part.


The vast majority of old soil carbon appears to have undergone microbial decomposition. While plants are the original source of carbon for soils; microbes control its fate by using it as food, thus ensuring that at least some of it will remain in the soil.


It this is evidence that our only cow dung’s microorganisms are the sufficient to feed any plant or tree – to survive and give us the qualitative and quality food for the human being.


Only, we have to add them is to their proper feeding with Humus to survive in the proper soil. So feed them with their requirements and developments of their increasing population in the soil. Increasing population of microorganisms will automatically, feed the plant / tree and automatically the plant and tree will feed us (humus) – properly a healthy manner.




Researcher Dr. Ram Bajaj feed – soil – not Tree. This is the whole concept and analysis of our research for the four times growth of our Neem Tree – with in a period of 3 year span only. “A World Record in achieving height of Neem”.



नोट : विस्तृत शोध का थोड़ा इंतजार करें।



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