ताजमहल पर वास्तविक बरसात के चलते - ये रिसर्च - अपने आप में एक अजूबा और ऐतिहासिक साबित होगी। दूसरे अब नक़ल करेंगे - कृपया देखले। डॉ. राम बजाज Never in the history of Taj Mahal - unbelievable research - were carried out, the actual effect of raining water on Taj Mahal surface on 16th,17th,18th and 19th September 2021.

Date - 19 September 2021

ताजमहल पर वास्तविक बरसात के चलते - ये रिसर्च - अपने आप में एक अजूबा और ऐतिहासिक साबित होगी। दूसरे अब नक़ल करेंगे - कृपया देखले।              डॉ. राम बजाज 

Never in the history of Taj Mahal - unbelievable research - were carried out, the actual effect of raining water on Taj Mahal surface on 16th,17th,18th, and 19th September 2021.

1. Actual analysis due to heavy pours with strong winds was observed by our expert's team and the result concluded.

2. All the photos captured by our expert's team only, on 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th September 2021.

3. It has been observed that due to Coanda effect (Physics Law) and Bernoulli's theorem effects, all the impurities stuck on the Taj Mahal, has been completely washed out because of low and high pressure created by the fluid ( Rainwater and strong winds) on the curved surfaces of the Taj Mahal and its Four minarets. 

Serious Warnings

4. There are serious leakages in the Taj Mahal and its compound. Only our expert's team can explore such serious damages due to rains. Nobody is other than our experts on such technical knowledge on the Taj Mahal. Please Remember. 

5.  ताजमहल पर बरसात से पहले - बरसात होते वक्त - और बरसात के बाद एक के असर की - बारिकी से बारिकी  जानकारिया के लिए हमारी टीम ने ताजमहल परशर में चार दिन 16,17,18,19 सितम्बर 2021 को लगातार Visits करते हुए - सूक्षम से सूक्षम अध्ययन  किया है। सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए थोड़े दिन का इंतजार करना पड़ेगा।  -  डॉ राम बजाज 

6. Very significant Civil Engineering data were collected during rains and before rains and the historic findings which nobody could have done. 

Dr. Ram Bajaj


  1. Sbse alg hat ke research h ye...👌👌

  2. Great And Very Nice Research We Are Waiting for your next research hope you will post it aoon

  3. The casino is back in full swing - Jackson City News
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