
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Seventh Earthquake in Delhi | Warning for NCS

डॉ राम बजाज द्वारा भूकंप की एक और चेतवानी - आठवे भूकंप की अधिक संभावना है। ध्यान देवे NCS  दिल्ली NCR में 29 मई 2020 लॉक डाउन के बाद यहाँ सात बार झटके महसूस किये गए हैं। दिल्ली NCR में लॉक डाउन के दौरान 25 मार्च के बाद - वे दिनांक 29 मई 2020 के बीच सात झटके महसूस किए गए हैं। 29 मई को रिचटर स्केल पर उसकी इंटेंसिटी 4.6 और केंद्र बिंदु हरियाणा के राह तक में था। दूसरा भूकंप रात के 10 बजे आया जो 2.9 तीव्रता का था और केंद्र बिंदु राह तक ही था यह भूकंप ऐसे समय में आने शुरू हुए हैं जबकि डॉ राम बजाज ने हाल के अध्ययन में 6 बार चेतावनी दी गयी थी की दिल्ली NCR में भूकंप के अनेक झटके आ सके हैं जिनमे एक बड़ा झटका भी हो सकता हैं। हलाकि IIT कानपूर ने भी दिल्ली से बिहार के बीच बड़े भूकंप की चेतावनी दी है जिसमे 7.5 से 8.5 के बीच की आशंका हैं । यह संभावना सिविल इंजीनियर्स विभाग के प्रोफेसर जावेद एन मलिक ने बताई है। ध्यान देवे की भारत तक़रीबन 47 मिलिमीटर्स प्रतिवर्ष की गति से एशिया से टकरा रहा हैं टेकटोनिक प्लेटो में टक्कर के कारण भारतीय महाद्वीप में अक्सर भूकंप आते रहते हैं। हालांकि भूजल में कमी से...

Monsoon Forecast by Dr. Ram Bajaj

The IMD must apologise to the country for changing the various dates for onset of monsoon in Kerela and the country as a whole . Action should be taken against the officers.  Click on this Link to see How Corona is actually causing rains in the world -  Rains Due to Corona South west monsoon 2020 finally reached Kerela on May 30, 2020 which is two days before its normal arrival time. Heavy rains likely to continue over Kerela interior, TN and coastal Karnataka. But IMD sticks to June 5, 2020 as the onset of monsoon. The IMD is standing by its earlier prediction of delayed on set of the south west monsoon in Kerela on June 5; despite the current weather conditions pointing to the likelihood of it’s arrival on the coast by June. 29 May 2020, 9.54 AM IST  - IMD Our Projections and Predictions on monsoon There will be excess rainfall from June to September 2020. And monsoon will be above normal ranges. The details will be published within a few days after working o...

THE Sixth Earthquake in Delhi | NCS Should take Serious Measures

 Warning For the Next Earthquake to The NCS and Government An Earthquake hit Delhi at 9.10 pm today. The magnitude is measured to be 4.5 on the richter scale, according to the U S Geological Survey. The tremors were also felt in Gurugram and Noida. The Earthquake hit 16 km ESE of Rohtak Haryana. There were no death or property damage. These were also felt in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Yet Again a Sixth warning to the NCS – that it is too late for your assessment of various earthquakes in  Delhi. You have not predicated any earthquake in advance in Delhi and other reasons of epicentre. Awakening Call For the 7th Earthquake. Nobody in N.C.S can explain the characteristics  of these Six earthquakes . There is a difference in the data provided by the NCS and US geological Survey. The US department states 4.5 but the NCS measured 4.6 . There may have been a slight marginal error between the two which must seriously analysed and looked after in the near future. ...

Yet Again a Fifth Earthquake in Delhi | Mysterious Earthquakes

A Fifth Earthquake in Delhi 2.5 magnitude low intensity earthquake, Delhi Faridabad on Date 28 may 2020 - 16:24 (IST). And low intensity earthquake Faridabad Delhi measured 2.5 magnitude on richer scale with its epicenter nacholi - Faridabad Delhi. The epicenter of earthquake was 8 km East of Faridabad. So far, this was the fifth such earthquake to have hit the National Capital Territory in a month and the third in May. Again a Fifth warning to the NCS – that it is too late for your assessment of various earthquakes in  Delhi. You have not predicated any earthquake in advance in Delhi other reasons of epicentre. Awakening Call For the 6th Earthquake. The government should take immediate actions against N.C.S authorities. Timing and depth are very  important in all these Five earthquakes epicenter . Nobody in N.C.S can explain the characteristics  of these Five earthquakes. Note:   1) Further warning for the next earthquake in near by Delhi. 2...

How Corona is Causing Rains | Boon For Dry Areas | Reality

 LOCKDOWN will impact temperature in the country and will bring INTENSE PRE MONSOON SHOWERS in the coming month of MAY 2020   Satellite images show how air pollution has changed during lockdown. Because of the temperature changes in the country, isolated and intense thunderstorms are expected to develop, which will bring down intense pre monsoon showers.  The drop in pollution levels due to shut down of factories and vehicles of road - have an effect on temperatures - PARTICULARLY  at night and may bring intense pre monsoon showers - rain in the coming weeks, frequently.  As per the discussions and data analysis with climate experts, the absence of air pollutants could bring intense showers or even rain in few parts of the country in the last week of April and in May. Particles suspended in the atmosphere trap the heat and let the cloud evaporate easily as per the laws of Physics; because the transfer of heat takes place immediately. At the same ti...

Something Unbelievable is Happening in DELHI | The Fourth Earthquake

Once again a Fourth Earthquake was felt in Delhi on 15th May 2020 at  11.28 A.M. according to National Centre for Seismology (NCS) 13 KM  North West of New Delhi. Low intensity earthquake of magnitude 2.2 hits Pitampura in Delhi on  15 th May 2020. Friday earthquake (15 May 2020) was the fourth to hit Delhi in a month period – with the SAME EPICENTER. Three low intensity earthquakes struck on April 12, 13  May 10 2020. An earthquake of 2.2 magnitude on Friday today (15 May 2020) at 11.28 A.M with it’s epicenter at Pitampura. This is the fourth earthquake to hit Delhi in a month, according to National Center for Seismology (NCS) official. The location coordinates of the event are latitude 28.7 and longitude 77.1 at depth of 8 KM at 11.28 A.M. Again a fourth warning to the NCS – that it is too late for your assessment of various earthquakes in  Delhi. You have not predicated any earthquake in advance in Delhi other reasons of epicentre. The gove...

Biggest Mystery | 3rd Earthquake on 10th MAY 2020 hits Delhi | Same Epicenter

                                                                                                                                                            Sunday's earthquake ( 10 may 2020 ) was the third to hit Delhi in a month - with the SAME EPICENTER. Two low intensity earthquakes struck on April 12 & 13 2020 at shallow depths. An earthquake of 3.4 magnitude (N.C.S. says it is 3.5 magnitude ) stuck Delhi on Sunday 1oth May, afternoon, with it's epicenter at  Sonia Vihar. This is the third earthquake to hit Delhi in the Month According to officials at the National Centre for Seismology ...

COVID-19 Impact on Education :56% Negative Impact

 COVID-19 Impact on Education :56% Negative Impact The novel coronavirus pandemic forced the closure of all Indian school & colleges along with universities. Administrators, educators, parents and students all across the country are facing the challenge of finding a way for various improvements in our education system and conducting the different methods of entrance exams . 56% of parents worry COVID-19 will affect their child’s education and it’s system of examinations. The unprecedented situation has left many parents apprehensive about the negative impact on children’s education by coaching institutions and special reference with the way the government of U.P. has taken out their students from coaching centers of Kota , Rajasthan during lockdown- period on April 18,2020. In this time of crisis a well rounded and effective practice is what is needed for the capacity- building of young- minds. Now the education system should be such that it develop skills that will...

The Reality of Earthquakes in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

: Implication, Impact and Data Analysis of Earthquake  Two earthquakes in Delhi during lockdown period serve as a reminder and warning to Delhi; whereas world is observing a massive reduction in seismic noise as much as 33 percent. Delhi is prone to major earthquakes as it already falls in a high – risk seismic zone. Our scientists fail to observe such a warning in the lockdown period. “दिल्ली एन.सी.आर. के लिए यह भूकंप एक बड़ी पूर्व चेतावनी है” – “अलग अलग भूकंप विशेषयज्ञ” During the lockdowns in the world and in India –there is a massive reduction in seismic noise being detected by seismometers around the world as indicated by Royal Observatory of Belgium, which makes it clear that earth is shaking continuously. Ground movements at frequency 1-20Hz, mainly due to human activity (cars,trains,industries,……etc) are much lower since the implementation of the containment measures by the governments . This has been a constant trend from March 31. In fact, their data suggests that ...

Clean Ganga during Covid

  विषय: राष्ट्रीय नदी गंगा के प्रदूषण व निर्मलता स्तर के आंकड़ो का आंकलन, अनुमान, रिसर्च, विश्लेषण व सुझाव -डॉ. राम बजाज राम तेरी गंगा मैली करोना नहीं - प्रकृति का नया रूप “हे भगवान् - क्या इतनी निर्मल और स्वच्छ है हमारी गंगा?” गंगा को निर्मल करने के लिए केन्द्र सरकार की 20,000 करोड़ रूपये की “नमामि गंगे परियोजना” के बावजूद गंगा का प्रदूषण स्तर क्या था - जरा आंकलन करे। श्री विक्रांत तोंगड, पर्यावरण विद को 10 मई 2019 सूचना के अधिकार के तहत मिली जानकारी के अनुसार यू.पी.पी.सी.बी (यू.पी.प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड) ने कहा है कि समूचे उत्तर प्रदेश में कहीं भी गंगा का पानी पीने लायक नहीं है, न ही कोई यूपी में गंगा का कोई ऐसा स्ट्रेच है जहाँ नदी का पानी सीधा पीया जा सके। नेशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल (NGT) ने कहा है कि उनके पास कठोर उपायों के सिवा कोई रास्ता नहीं बचा है। उनकी सख्त टिप्पणी गौर करने के लायक है। गंगा देश की राष्ट्रीय नदी है और इसका समूचे देश के लिए एक विशेष महत्व है। यहाँ तक कि गंगा की “एक बूँद” भी गंभीरता का विषय है। गंगा में प्रदूषण रोकने के सभी प...

आयुर्वेद विज्ञान पर हमारी सरकार इतनी बेहरम क्यों? | Reality

विषय : आयुर्वेद विज्ञान पर हमारी सरकार इतनी बरेहम क्यों? आखिर एक भी आयुर्वेद डॉक्टर को आजतक एक भी मरीज देखने नहीं दिया गया। मेडिकल दुकानों को खोलने की इजाज़त है - परन्तु आयुर्वेद दवाइयाँ - दी नहीं जा सकती है। हमारे आयुर्वेद वैद्य लॉकडाउन करके घरो में दुबके बैठे हैं। I.C.M.R और सरकार ध्यान देवे। आयुर्वेद से देश का नाम दुनिया में सबसे ऊपर होगा I.C.M.R जागो - WHO को पहचानो।   - डॉ राम बजाज आयुर्वेद व होमेओपेथिक से कोरोना का इलाज संभव है, परंतु सरकार अभी तक ढोस कदम उठाने में क्यों नाकाम है इसलिए है कि I.C.M.R को इसमें अपना भला नज़र नहीं आ रहा है क्योंकि वह एक बड़ा scam कर चुकी है। - डॉ राम बजाज भारत सहित कई देश कोरोना संक्रमण का सामना कर रहे एलोपेथिक दवाए कोरोना के इलाज में नाकाम हुई है। वैक्सीन के लिए शोध जारी है। एलोपेथिक डॉक्टरों ने बड़ी - बड़ी टीवी डिबेट्स पर - इसके द्वारा महामारी फैलने रोग को काबू करना में असमर्थता जताई इटली , चीन , अमेरिका के रोगियों और मरने वालो की संख्या के बड़े-बड़े दावे, अलग-अलग रंगों की लाइन्स [ curve ] और उनसे होने वाले भारी नुकसान से सच...